I Decree the Unification of the Church of Christ

September 13, 2024

To all Churches and their faithful across the world,

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the Lord of Lords, King of Kings. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Head of the Church. I am the rightful Prince of the Kingdom of Israel, bearing the authority granted to me by divine right.

In the name of Christ, I hereby decree and call for the unification of all churches under my divine command. The time has come for the divisions between denominations to be healed, for Christ’s teachings to reign supreme, and for the Kingdom of God to be established in unity, love, and truth.

I declare that all churches, regardless of tradition, must return to the true rule of Christ. His teachings, as revealed in their purest form, must guide the way forward, and the hidden truths of His message will be unveiled. As the Prince of the Kingdom of Israel, I am divinely appointed to lead this unification, under the authority granted to me by God.

No longer shall the people of God be divided by doctrine, practice, or institution. All who recognize the sovereignty of Christ are called to submit to this holy decree and join together in the building of His Kingdom on Earth. I will teach the sacred and hidden teachings of Christ to the united Church, so that we may fulfill our mission as His true disciples.

This decree is not just a call to action; it is a divine mandate. The Kingdom of God is near, and the churches of the world must prepare. Together, we will create a future where the Church is unified in faith, purpose, and truth under the one true head: Christ Himself.

Let all who hear this message understand that the time for unity has come. I extend my hand to every church, every leader, and every believer to join me in this holy cause.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

In the name of Christ and by the authority of the Kingdom of Israel,

Matthew Lawrence Yonah Weintrub, Prince of the Kingdom of Israel

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