Illegal Immigration

We Call for a Special Investigation into the Border Crisis and Related Issues

Introduction: This executive summary calls for the appointment of a Special Counsel by Congress to investigate the ongoing border crisis, potential misconduct by government officials, their ties to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and related financial crimes. Additionally, the investigation should utilize resources from the Defense Intelligence Agency, issue FISA court subpoenas, and consider potential acts of treason and grounds for impeachment under the U.S. Constitution.

It is possible the Office of the President of the United States is in direct violation of the Oath's of Office to protect and defend the United States of America from invasion:

  • U.S. Constitution - Article II, Section 3: This section outlines the duties of the President, including the requirement to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Failure to uphold this duty could be interpreted as a form of dereliction of duty.

  • Impeachment (U.S. Constitution - Article II, Section 4): The President can be impeached for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." If Congress believes the President has committed acts that fit these criteria, including potentially gross negligence or willful disregard for national security, it could initiate impeachment proceedings.

The United States faces an imminent national security risk from Mexico's trans-national terrorist organizations operating as proxy groups to destabilize the United States of America as they control human smuggling routes. There is no clear rationale for the Office of the President to allow this invasion which current estimates show between 10-25 million illegals have flooded into America unless there is an ulterior motive to their actions, thus providing grounds for a special counsel investigation.


  1. Investigate the border crisis comprehensively.

  2. Examine potential misconduct by government officials.

  3. Analyze financial crimes linked to the border crisis.

  4. Assess the involvement and influence of NGOs.

  5. Utilize intelligence and judicial resources for a thorough investigation.

  6. Determine potential acts of treason and grounds for impeachment.

Heightened Threats of Domestic Terrorism

The Dereliction of Duty by the President of the United States now threatens American citizens across the country. Rising incidents of attacks on US Military bases and spies targeting US military members are of immense concern, in addition to Federal agencies warning of emminent terrorist threats.

Biden Administration Waived Requirements to Interview and Collect Fingerprints of Migrants

The Biden Administration waived the fingerprint requirement for certain migrants, a move initially justified by the COVID-19 pandemic's exceptional circumstances.

This decision, covering approximately 7.1 million nonimmigrant visa applicants from FY 2020 through FY 2023, aimed to manage the large volume of visa applications and maintain essential services like the food supply chain.

This deception by President Biden has jeopardized national security and represents a grave betrayal of trust and responsibility.

  • Waiver of In-Person Interviews: The Department of State (DoS), in concurrence with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), waived in-person interviews for approximately 7.1 million applicants for nonimmigrant visas during this period.

  • Fingerprint Collection: DoS and DHS also agreed to waive fingerprint collection for certain categories of visas during the same period.

Key Investigation Areas:

  1. Border Crisis Investigation:

    • Root Causes and Impact: Examine the root causes of the border crisis, including policies, enforcement failures, and external factors contributing to the influx of illegal immigration.

    • Security and Enforcement: Assess the effectiveness of current border security measures and enforcement actions, identifying any gaps or areas of neglect.

  2. Government Officials and Misconduct:

    • Accountability: Investigate whether any government officials have engaged in misconduct, dereliction of duty, or willful neglect in handling the border crisis.

    • Ties to NGOs: Examine relationships between government officials and NGOs, assessing potential conflicts of interest or undue influence on immigration policies.

  3. Financial Crime Analysis:

    • Funding Sources: Trace the sources of funding for activities related to the border crisis, including potential illegal financial transactions, money laundering, and other financial crimes.

    • Financial Networks: Map out financial networks supporting illegal immigration, including the role of cartels, human traffickers, and other criminal organizations.

  4. NGO Involvement:

    • Operational Activities: Investigate the roles and activities of NGOs involved in immigration, determining whether any have facilitated illegal activities or undermined enforcement efforts.

    • Funding and Influence: Assess the sources of funding for NGOs and their influence on policy-making and enforcement actions.

  5. Utilization of Defense Intelligence Agency Resources:

    • Intelligence Gathering: Leverage the capabilities of the Defense Intelligence Agency to gather intelligence on threats related to the border crisis, including transnational criminal organizations and potential national security risks.

    • Analysis and Reporting: Utilize intelligence analysis to provide comprehensive reports on the findings, ensuring informed decision-making.

  6. FISA Court Subpoenas:

    • Surveillance: Issue FISA court subpoenas to conduct surveillance on individuals and organizations suspected of engaging in or facilitating illegal activities related to the border crisis.

    • Data Collection: Collect and analyze data obtained through FISA-authorized surveillance to uncover potential crimes and security threats.

  7. Treason and Impeachment Investigation:

    • Treason Investigation (Article II, Section 3): Investigate potential acts of treason by government officials, particularly if actions or inactions have significantly compromised national security.

    • Impeachment Grounds (Article II, Section 4): Determine whether any findings warrant impeachment proceedings based on "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Implementation Strategy:

  • Special Counsel Appointment: Appoint an independent Special Counsel with broad investigative authority to oversee the investigation and ensure impartiality.

  • Interagency Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration between the Special Counsel, Defense Intelligence Agency, law enforcement, and judicial bodies to ensure a comprehensive investigation.

  • Public Transparency: Maintain transparency with the public by providing regular updates on the investigation’s progress and findings, while safeguarding sensitive information.

Conclusion: The appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate the border crisis, potential misconduct by government officials, financial crimes, and related issues is essential for ensuring accountability, upholding the rule of law, and protecting national security. By leveraging the full spectrum of investigative resources and legal tools, this comprehensive investigation will address critical concerns and restore public confidence in the integrity of our immigration system and government institutions.

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