Bill Clinton: CIA Asset

One part of The Bush CIA Cabal's criminal portfolio was drug trafficking. The CIA has had a long history of involvement in the drug business going back to its post-WWII relationship with the Marseilles heroin syndicate. During the Vietnam War, the majority of the heroin supply in Vietnam and the Golden Triangle was controlled and trafficked under the supervision of the CIA.

During the mid-1980’s the primary transshipment point for CIA/military drug trafficking was Mena, Arkansas. Under The Cabal, George H. W. Bush was the drug lord of the United States and Governor Bill Clinton was the Arkansas state representative of The Cabal. This criminal alliance between Bush and Clinton provided the basis for Clinton’s rise to national prominence. In addition, a number of financial and oil and gas frauds were run out of Arkansas with Hillary Clinton acting as counsel to several bogus corporations.

From a young age, Bill Clinton had known that the path to power was through winning the favor of the rich and powerful men who controlled the power structure. In 1968, while at Oxford, ambitious, young Bill Clinton was recruited as a CIA asset by CIA London station chief Cord Meyer. Cord Meyer was a very significant figure in the Coup of ’63 when he ran the media cover-up, propaganda side of the Coup.

The Cabal was always looking to groom a next generation of members, and from the point of view of the CIA/Cabal, Clinton must have made an ideal target. He was smart, charismatic, ambitious, and he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. That combination of traits made him very controllable.

Clinton’s rise to prominence within Arkansas politics was financed by a network of Arkansas organized crime figures prominent in the illegal gambling and drug money laundering businesses. Many members of Clinton’s inner circle were involved in the money laundering and drug running businesses, and Clinton was easily drawn into supporting and protecting the illegal CIA sponsored drug and gun running based in Arkansas.

By participating in these criminal acts, Clinton earned his right to join the Cabal, and he was rewarded by having the Bush Syndicate use their influence to promote him on the national stage. The Cabal transcends any political party. The Cabal is always looking to penetrate and control both political parties. So during the 1992 presidential elections, the Cabal could not lose. Cabal leader George HW Bush had the Republican nomination, and compromised, junior Cabal member Clinton was the Democratic candidate.

Despite his corrupt stewardship of Arkansas and despite his willingness to ally himself with criminal scumbags, when Clinton did attain the presidency, his policies were relatively solid and his administration was not nearly the kleptocracy of the Bush’s or LBJ. However, since both Bill and Hillary had criminal backgrounds in drug running, money laundering, and financial fraud that intertwined with The Cabal, Clinton was obligated to maintain the large network of people committed to covering up high level government embedded crime by carrying over the appointments of over 1000 Bush appointees who had been placed throughout the federal government for the reason of covering up the crimes of The Cabal.

Clinton’s administration was indicative of the limited potential for political change in DC without confronting the deep seated problems of the secret government. Under Clinton, marginal management improvements were made within the federal government and new criminal and imperialistic ventures were kept to a minimum, but the fundamental capabilities of the Power Control Group were not challenged, and the criminal structures of the secret government worked quietly waiting for the next member of the Bush Syndicate to take office.

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