UFO Treason, Truth & Amnesty Plan

Good Morning Family. In regards to the UFO problem, we are all living in-between a rock and a hard place. I would compare this moment for the Defense Department similar to all of the quandaries the CIA has been through trying to hide their treason against the Republic. The difference here is that the CIA became the largest drug trafficker in the US, committed a Coup and killed a President, a Presidential Candidate and tried to kill another President. So things are a little different.

This UFO program threatens the structural integrity of the United States. In order to solve the issue of treason and deal with those who naturally will demand a pound of flesh, including myself, I propose the following plan to prosecute high crimes and treason against the United States.

Truth, Treason & Amnesty

Everyone involved must face the charges of treason. This is to keep everyone honest and to help everyone understand that resistance here is futile. At the same time everyone is to be offered diversion into an amnesty program. The amnesty program is simple:

  • Legal immunity and a medal of honor to individuals who voluntarily come forward with verifiable information regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial technology.

  • Disclosure, recorded on camera and broadcasted live to the public before Congress, of all information and program involvement.

I propose the following terms and strategy to executive this plan:

Truth and Reconciliation Initiative for the UFO Phenomenon


The Truth and Reconciliation Initiative for the UFO Phenomenon is a groundbreaking program aimed at uncovering the full truth about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial technology. This initiative will be led by an Independent Congressional Committee and supported by a Special Prosecutor appointed through the Department of Justice (DOJ). The initiative will offer legal immunity and national recognition to those who come forward with truthful information, while those who refuse to participate will face legal consequences. Furthermore, private companies involved in the concealment or privatization of extraterrestrial technology may be subject to nationalization, ensuring these assets are used for the public good.

Key Objectives

  1. Comprehensive Investigation and Oversight:

    • Establish an Independent Congressional Committee with full investigative powers, including subpoena authority, to lead a transparent inquiry into the UFO phenomenon and associated technologies.

    • Appoint a Special Prosecutor through the DOJ to independently pursue legal actions against individuals or entities engaged in illegal activities related to the concealment of extraterrestrial technologies.

  2. Truth and Reconciliation:

    • Offer legal immunity and a medal of honor to individuals who voluntarily come forward with verifiable information regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. This will encourage transparency and protect whistleblowers from prosecution.

  3. Accountability and Justice:

    • Ensure that individuals and organizations that refuse to cooperate or have engaged in unlawful activities face the full force of the law, including potential criminal prosecution and civil penalties.

    • Investigate and, if necessary, nationalize extraterrestrial technologies currently held by private entities through the Office of Advanced Technology, guaranteeing their ethical use for the benefit of the public.

Implementation Strategy

  • Formation of the Independent Congressional Committee: Congress will establish a bipartisan committee with a mandate to investigate the UFO phenomenon. The committee will have access to classified information and work closely with the Special Prosecutor to gather evidence and testimonies from government agencies, contractors, and private companies.

  • Appointment of Special Prosecutor: The DOJ will appoint a Special Prosecutor with the authority to independently investigate and prosecute any criminal activities related to the UFO phenomenon. The prosecutor will ensure legal accountability and pursue justice for those who withhold information or engage in illegal concealment.

  • Legal Immunity and Public Recognition: The committee, in coordination with the DOJ, will develop a legal framework offering immunity and public recognition to those who provide truthful and complete information. This framework will also outline the consequences for non-participation or dishonesty.

  • Nationalization of Extraterrestrial Technologies: The Office of Advanced Technology will oversee the transfer and management of extraterrestrial technologies from private entities to public ownership, ensuring these assets are utilized in a manner that serves the common good.

Expected Outcomes

  • Unveiling the Truth: A comprehensive understanding of the UFO phenomenon and the extent of extraterrestrial technology development, based on factual information and transparent investigation.

  • Legal and Ethical Accountability: Prosecution and legal consequences for those involved in unlawful concealment activities, thereby restoring public trust in government and legal institutions.

  • Ethical Technological Advancements: The responsible and transparent development of extraterrestrial technologies for the benefit of society, under the oversight of public institutions.

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