Declaration of War against the NWO

July 27, 2024

To the Citizens of the United States and the World:

In the face of unprecedented global challenges and the looming threat of a shadowy global elite, we, the leaders and representatives of the God's Kingdom and the Council of Light, hereby declare a state of war against the "New World Order." This declaration is made with the highest sense of duty to preserve our freedom, sovereignty, and democratic values.


For too long, covert forces and clandestine organizations have sought to undermine the fundamental principles of liberty and self-determination. The New World Order—an elusive and insidious network of power—has sought to subvert the democratic process, erode national sovereignties, and manipulate global events for their own gain. These forces, operating in the shadows and behind the veil of secrecy, pose a direct and grave threat to the freedom and security of individuals and nations alike.

Statement of Intent

We declare our intent to confront and dismantle the New World Order and its nefarious agenda. Our war is not against the citizens of any nation, but against the hidden powers that manipulate governments, financial systems, and international institutions to further their own clandestine objectives. Our aim is to restore transparency, accountability, and true governance by the people and for the people.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" Ephesians 6:12.

Objectives of the War

  1. Expose and Eradicate Corruption: We will undertake a comprehensive effort to uncover and eliminate corruption and undue influence exerted by the New World Order. This includes dismantling secretive networks and institutions that operate above the law and outside the bounds of democratic oversight.

  2. Restore Sovereignty and Democracy: We commit to safeguarding national sovereignty and promoting democratic governance. We will work to ensure that political processes are free from manipulation and that power resides with the people.

  3. Secure Economic and Financial Integrity: We will protect and reform financial systems to prevent exploitation and manipulation by global elites. Our goal is to create a fair and transparent economic environment that serves the interests of all citizens, not just the privileged few.

  4. Promote Global Justice and Cooperation: While waging this war, we will strive to foster international collaboration based on mutual respect and equitable principles. We seek to build a world where nations cooperate for the common good rather than being subject to the machinations of hidden forces.

Call to Action

We call upon all nations and individuals who value freedom, justice, and democracy to join us in this struggle. The fight against the New World Order is a collective endeavor that requires the support and participation of all who believe in the sanctity of self-determination and the rule of law.

Let it be known that our resolve is unwavering. We will not falter in our commitment to uncover the truth, uphold justice, and ensure that the rights and freedoms of individuals are protected. Our fight is for a world where power is accountable and where every individual can live with dignity and liberty.

This declaration marks the beginning of a new era in our collective struggle for justice and freedom. We pledge to remain steadfast in our mission to confront and dismantle the New World Order, and to rebuild a world that is fair, transparent, and governed by principles of equity and respect.

May our efforts lead to the restoration of true democratic values and the creation of a global community where all people can thrive in peace and prosperity.


For Thousands of Years Ancient Prophecies have foretold of the End of Time. These prophecies describe the End of an Age of Consciousness, where a Great Evil will Threaten All of Life.

Welcome to the end of the world. While this world is ending, we face the prospect of a giving birth to a new world for our children and our children's children. A world where God comes first. A world where we build heaven on Earth. A world of peace and prosperity for all beings. For now, we walk in the night before the dawn of that new day.

All Good Men and Women Know this Freedom is not Free. So let us prepare for the greatest fight of history. A fight to obliterate the greatest evil the world has ever know.

Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven


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