Demanding UAP Disclosure

14 July 2024

Official Statement Mandating Disclosure of UAP Technology

In a landmark move, Senators Mike Rounds and Chuck Schumer have reintroduced the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA), aiming to unveil critical information about potential non-human intelligence and advanced technologies. This bipartisan effort, revived after its removal from last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), seeks to ensure transparency and public accountability regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

The UAPDA proposes the creation of a UAP Records Review Board, appointed by the President with Senate consent. This board will oversee the collection, review, and public disclosure of UAP records, including materials, testimonies, and evidence from whistleblowers. This initiative aims to eliminate undue influence from government agencies and defense contractors accused of involvement in illegal UAP programs.

Official Statement Mandating Disclosure

“We are at a critical juncture where transparency is not just a legal requirement but a moral imperative to maintain rule of Law and the American Republic,” said Matthew Weintrub, Spiritual Director of Heal Earth. “By concealing this technology, officials within the US Government are engaging in treacherous criminal actions against We the People that are contrary to our fundamental values and responsibilities as a nation and as members of a broader cosmic community.”

In light of recent developments, we are issuing an official statement mandating the immediate disclosure of certain technologies associated with UAPs. The continued secrecy surrounding these technologies is a violation of the Treachery Clause of the United States and represents a profound betrayal of public trust.

Under the Galactic Federation of Planets—a coalition of extraterrestrial nations dedicated to transparency and mutual respect—such secrecy is considered a serious act of treason. The Galactic Federation’s principles emphasize honesty and integrity in interstellar relations. Concealing critical technological information contradicts these values and constitutes a betrayal against not only our fellow citizens and international partners but also against a higher moral authority.

This concealment is fundamentally a betrayal and an act of treason against God the Most High, the Creator of the Universe. Our actions must reflect our commitment to divine principles and universal ethics. The Treachery Clause of the United States upholds the highest standards of integrity and accountability, and failure to disclose this technology undermines our democratic and ethical obligations.

We hereby mandate the immediate disclosure of this technology. Transparency is not just a legal requirement but a moral imperative. It is essential to act with honor and fidelity to our principles, recognizing that our responsibilities extend beyond terrestrial borders and into the broader cosmic community.

Failure to comply with this mandate will be considered an ongoing act of treachery, compromising our standing as a nation and our commitment to higher moral and ethical standards.

We urge all involved parties to fully cooperate with this directive and to embrace the values of transparency and honesty that are essential to a just and equitable society.

Let us Pray.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Last updated