Treaty for Decentralized Medical Freedom


We, the nations and peoples of Earth, in recognition of the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, hereby affirm the fundamental right to medical freedom as a universal human right. Acknowledging the sacredness of bodily autonomy, the right to informed consent, and the importance of personal choice in medical decisions, we declare our commitment to enshrine medical freedom into the legal frameworks of our respective nations.

Article I: Declaration of Medical Freedom as a Human Right

  1. Medical Freedom Defined Medical freedom shall be recognized as the right of every individual to make informed decisions about their own health and medical treatments without coercion, discrimination, or interference. This includes the right to choose or refuse medical interventions, treatments, and therapies according to one's personal beliefs, values, and knowledge.

  2. Bodily Autonomy The right to bodily autonomy is inviolable. No individual shall be subjected to medical procedures or treatments without their explicit, informed, and voluntary consent.

  3. Informed Consent Informed consent is a cornerstone of medical freedom. All individuals shall have the right to receive full, accurate, and understandable information about the benefits, risks, and alternatives to any proposed medical treatment or intervention. This information must be provided in a manner that allows for free and uncoerced decision-making.

Article II: Protection Against Trans-National Pharmaceutical Cartels

  1. Recognition of Threats We recognize that a trans-national pharmaceutical cartel, through its influence over global health policies, regulatory bodies, and medical practices, poses a significant threat to medical freedom. This cartel's monopolistic practices, financial interests, and undue influence on governments undermine the autonomy of individuals and violate their rights to make independent health decisions.

  2. Counteracting Monopoly Power Nations shall take measures to prevent and dismantle the monopolistic control of pharmaceutical companies over medical treatments, therapies, and information. This includes ensuring access to a wide range of treatment options, promoting competition in the pharmaceutical industry, and protecting the rights of patients to seek alternative and natural remedies.

  3. Transparency and Accountability Governments and international organizations shall ensure transparency and accountability in their dealings with pharmaceutical companies. Any collusion, corruption, or conflicts of interest that compromise medical freedom must be exposed and addressed through legal and regulatory means.

Article III: Enshrining Medical Freedom in National Laws

  1. Legal Recognition Each signatory nation commits to enshrine medical freedom as a fundamental right within their national constitutions or legal frameworks. This right shall be protected and upheld by the judiciary and enforced by government institutions.

  2. Legislative Measures Nations shall enact laws that protect medical freedom, including laws that safeguard informed consent, prohibit medical coercion, and ensure access to a diversity of medical opinions and treatments. These laws shall also provide mechanisms for individuals to seek redress in cases where their medical freedom has been violated.

  3. International Cooperation Signatory nations shall cooperate to promote and protect medical freedom globally. This includes sharing best practices, supporting countries that face challenges in upholding medical freedom, and opposing international agreements or regulations that threaten individual medical rights.

Article IV: Promoting Awareness and Education

  1. Public Education Governments shall implement public education programs to raise awareness about medical freedom, informed consent, and the risks posed by monopolistic pharmaceutical practices. These programs shall empower individuals to make informed health decisions and advocate for their rights.

  2. Health Professionals’ Training Medical and health professionals shall be trained in the principles of medical freedom, informed consent, and patient rights. They shall be encouraged to respect and support the autonomy of their patients in all medical interactions.

  3. Research and Development Nations shall promote research and development of alternative medical treatments and therapies that respect individual choice and autonomy. Funding for medical research shall be allocated in a manner that prioritizes patient well-being over corporate profits.

Article V: Implementation and Monitoring

  1. National Implementation Bodies Each signatory nation shall establish or designate a national body responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this treaty. This body shall ensure compliance with the principles of medical freedom and address any violations promptly and effectively.

  2. International Monitoring An international committee shall be established to monitor the global implementation of this treaty. This committee shall facilitate cooperation among nations, provide guidance on best practices, and report on the state of medical freedom worldwide.

  3. Periodic Review The provisions of this treaty shall be reviewed periodically to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness in protecting medical freedom. Amendments to the treaty may be proposed and adopted by a consensus of the signatory nations.


We, the undersigned, hereby commit to upholding and promoting medical freedom as a fundamental human right. In doing so, we reaffirm our dedication to the principles of bodily autonomy, informed consent, and individual choice in medical matters. We call upon all nations to join us in this endeavor to protect and preserve the health and dignity of every human being.

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