Principles of Torah

Monotheism: The central principle of the Torah is the belief in a single, all-powerful, and all-knowing God who is the creator and ruler of the universe.

Divine Covenant: The Torah describes a covenantal relationship between God and the Tribes of Israel.

Rituals & Prayers: Torah teaches rituals and prayers, which are essential components of an indigenous way of life. These rituals and prayers are designed to connect individuals with God, foster community cohesion, and mark significant moments in the Tribal calendar and life cycle.

Justice and Righteousness: The Torah emphasizes the importance of justice, righteousness, and ethical conduct in personal and communal life.

Compassion, Love & Kindness: Principles of kindness, love, charity, and compassion towards others, especially the vulnerable and marginalized, are integral to the Torah’s ethical teachings.

Holiness (Kedushah): The concept of holiness permeates the Torah, with the call for the Israelites to be a holy people dedicated to God’s service.

Sacredness of Life: The Torah upholds the sanctity and dignity of human life, with numerous teachings aimed at protecting and preserving life.

Health and Well-being: There are specific commandments related to health, hygiene, and overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Fairness and Equity: The Torah advocates for fair treatment of all individuals, including fair labor practices, honest business dealings, and equitable justice in courts.

Protection of the Vulnerable: Special protections are given to the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the stranger, ensuring their rights and well-being are safeguarded.

Community Relations: The Torah emphasizes the importance of community and mutual responsibility, where individuals are accountable not only for their own actions but also for the welfare of the community.

Love Your Neighbor: The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) underscores the principle of empathy and solidarity within the community.

Stewardship of the Earth: Humans are given the responsibility to care for and protect the natural world, reflecting a principle of stewardship and respect for creation.

Sabbath and Rest: The observance of the Sabbath and other periods of rest, such as the sabbatical year, promote a rhythm of work and rest that honors creation and human well-being.

Study of Torah: The continual study and interpretation of Torah is a central practice, reflecting a commitment to lifelong learning and spiritual growth.

Teaching and Transmission: The principles and teachings of the Torah are to be taught and transmitted to future generations, ensuring the continuity of faith and practice.

Messianic Vision: The Torah contains promises of future redemption and the establishment of a just and peaceful world under God’s rule.

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