The Silent Guardians of Righteousness

The Silent Guardians of Righteousness (Or So They Say)

Let us take a moment to admire the unparalleled courage of certain Islamic leaders, who, with chests puffed and words sharp as butter knives, claim the mantle of righteousness. Ah, but what is this? A storm of conflict arises, and one might expect these paragons of virtue to take a valiant stand! Yet, what do we hear from their mighty pulpits when Iran and its shadowy proxies wreak havoc? Silence. Yes, silence so profound it could lull an insomniac to sleep.

Why, you ask, do these leaders retreat behind veils of silence, eyes cast downward, while the world waits for a grand proclamation of justice? Could it be a strategic masterstroke, a chess move beyond the grasp of mere mortals? Or is it simply fear cloaked in a garb of prudence?

Oh, how we marvel at their artistry! Their fearlessness when it comes to condemning Israel or the West. But when Iran stirs its proxy cauldron, sending out its ghouls to spread chaos, the gallant leaders of the Islamic world turn into mere jesters.

"Ah, it’s a complicated matter," they say, sipping their imported coffee in lavish palaces. "One must consider the geopolitical complexities." Indeed, let us consider them! The complexities of an oil pipeline or a lucrative arms deal seem to outweigh the sanctity of peace they so ardently preach.

Strategic Partners in Silence

The spectacle is almost poetic. Observe how some of these countries wrap themselves in the rhetoric of peace, condemning violence with the fervor of a theater actor. Yet, they tiptoe around the elephant in the room, which happens to be wearing a sash labeled "Iran." Why the caution, we wonder? Could it be that condemning Iran might upset the precarious balance of their own fragile kingdoms? Perhaps Tehran might withhold a favor or—heavens forbid—cut off a lucrative trade route. No, better to keep quiet and let morality wait while strategic interests sip tea in the corner.

The Mighty Lions... of Inaction

And what of the so-called unity of the Islamic world? Leaders emerge onto grand stages, claiming solidarity, strength, and the power to confront injustice anywhere it rears its head. Yet, when Iran's proxies rear theirs, these mighty lions turn into mere kittens, pawing nervously at the air. They hide behind hollow statements about regional stability and mutual respect while giving a wide berth to any direct critique of Iran. The proxy armies laugh in the background, knowing full well that the lions have lost their roar.

The Masters of Deflection

Oh, how they excel at deflection! Bring up the turmoil caused by Iran's proxies, and watch as they skillfully pivot to unrelated grievances. "But what about Western intervention?" they cry, as if diverting blame could disguise their own inaction. Such rhetorical gymnastics deserve applause. They must certainly practice in secret, honing their skills of misdirection to the envy of magicians worldwide.

Dare Not Speak Its Name

In the end, it is not that these leaders lack the capacity to condemn; it is that they choose not to. They cloak their inaction in the guise of diplomacy and prudence. Yet, we see through the facade. The truth is as clear as day: they fear repercussions. They fear upsetting the delicate power dynamics that keep their kingdoms afloat. They fear that if they speak against Iran and its proxies, they might become the next target of Tehran’s ire or, worse yet, lose their carefully cultivated benefits.

So, let us salute these brave leaders—not for their courage, but for their talent in the ancient art of avoidance. They have mastered the delicate balance of talking much while saying little, of declaring peace while tolerating chaos. In the theater of global politics, they are the silent actors, hoping that their performance of inaction will go unnoticed.

And thus, we are left to admire their brilliance: the brilliance of cowards who dress as kings.

Is the Islamic World Full of Cowards?

The only conclusion I can draw is the Islamic world is full of cowards and there are no true believes in Allah - the God. See Men of God are not afraid to speak truth to power. Men of God are not afraid to stand up to demons and to Satan. But that is only Men of God. And it seems like there are no true Men of God from the Islamic world stepping up to condemn and expose the false teachings of Iran's ayatollah. How sad. How weak these Muslim Men must be that God has given them no strength.

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