My Family

Thank You for the gift of my family and friends, for the love, support, and joy that each of us brings into each other's lives.

I lift up to You my mom and dad, who have guided and nurtured me with their wisdom and care. Please bless them with health, happiness, and strength as they continue to lead our family with love.

I pray for my siblings, that we may always support and cherish each other, growing closer with each passing day. Let our bond be unbreakable, filled with understanding and compassion.

I ask for Your blessings upon my aunties and uncles, who have been like second parents to me. May they be surrounded by love and experience the warmth of family wherever they go.

I lift up my cousins, nieces, and nephews. Guide them as they grow, and let them be filled with joy, curiosity, and a deep sense of belonging in our family.

Please watch over my grandmas and grandpas, who are the pillars of our family’s history and wisdom. Bless them with peace and comfort, and may they always feel our love and gratitude for all they have given us.

Lord, may my family be a reflection of Your love and light. Keep us united, protect us from harm, and fill our hearts with gratitude for the blessings we receive each day. Let our home be a place of peace, joy, and unending love.

I pray that all of my family can be blessed with a good day, fruitful year and long life. My their days be filled with love and joy.


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