Gratitude is the highest state of consciousness.

Gratitude is a doorway to a higher state of consciousness. How often do we express gratitude for all the gifts we’ve been given?

How often do you profess your gratitude for clean water, gratitude for clean air, gratitude for a healthy earth that provides a home to plants and animals that provide you food, shelter, clothing and resources to create technology.

How often are you grateful for the gift of life?

How often are you grateful for your Mom?

How often are you grateful for you Dad?

How often are you grateful for you partner?

How often are you grateful for your kids?

How often are you grateful for your family and friends?

Because of the oneness underlying the universe, whenever we give something out, we will also receive something back. When we give something of value to another person and then receive their gratitude in return, this is a manifestation of the dynamic oneness of the universe at work in our experience, reflecting a portion of our own giving back to us.

As we learn to recognize acts of gratitude as expressions of universal oneness, our consciousness of the underlying unity of all things becomes more pronounced.

Though we most often express gratitude for things we perceive and interpret as positive, we can also apply gratitude for things we don’t. Extending gratitude even to the darker areas of our life will cause these dark spots to be transformed. They will eventually show forth blessings in some way or another, blessings that were completely hidden before our gratitude was given to them.

The process of extending gratitude to all things and circumstances will open our awareness to the inherent perfection in all experiences. The absolute perfection underlying all reality justifies our attitude of gratitude in all situations.

Likewise, our extension of gratitude to all things will open us more completely to the actual experience of that perfection. In this way the practice of gratitude fuses with the consciousness of perfection and brings us to an expanded state of awareness.

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