Ban Solar Engineering Treaty

Global Treaty for the Ban on Solar Engineering Weapons

Executive Summary

This Treaty seeks to prohibit the development, testing, production, acquisition, deployment, and use of solar engineering weapons, in alignment with the profound wisdom of the 8th Fire Prophecy of the Hopi nation, which warns against the blacking out of the skies as it could lead to the end of humanity. Solar engineering is recognized as an unnatural, morally, and ethically wrong approach to climate change mitigation that poses significant risks to the Earth's natural balance.

The wisdom of Indigenous Nations is often rejected by Secular Western Government which promote the values of diversity, equity and inclusion. The First Nations Alliance (FNA) stands morally and ethically opposed to the ongoing testing and deployment of solar engineering weapons. The FNA calls for respect and diginified global disclosures about the risks of this technology and demands the human right to be heard on this issue which involves all of life on mother earth and all of her children.

Objectives and Prohibitions:

  • Prohibition of Solar Engineering Weapons: The Treaty strictly bans all activities related to solar engineering weapons, including their development, testing, production, and use.

  • Promotion of Sustainable Solutions: Emphasizes the need for research, development, and investment in sustainable climate change solutions, particularly water desalination, which offers a viable alternative to mitigate climate change impacts.

Implementation Measures:

  • Monitoring and Verification: Establishes an International Monitoring and Verification Agency (IMVA) to ensure compliance with the Treaty through inspections and data collection.

  • Transparency and Information Sharing: Encourages Parties to maintain transparency in their climate-related activities and share information on sustainable practices and technologies.

Cooperation and Assistance:

  • International Collaboration: Promotes cooperation among Parties in the peaceful use of climate technologies and the dissemination of scientific advancements.

  • Support for Developing Nations: Ensures assistance is provided to nations lacking resources to implement sustainable climate solutions.


  • Review and Amendments: Parties will meet regularly to review the Treaty's implementation and address issues, with the possibility of amending the Treaty through consensus.

  • Duration and Withdrawal: The Treaty is intended to remain in force indefinitely, with provisions for withdrawal by any Party after due notification.

Draft Global Treaty for the Ban on Solar Engineering Weapons


Recognizing the profound wisdom embedded in the ancient indigenous prophecies, particularly the 8th Fire Prophecy of the Hopi nation, which warns of dire consequences if the skies are blacked out,

Acknowledging that many aspects of this prophecy have already manifested, and the last part suggests the end of humanity if such unnatural interventions occur,

Understanding that solar engineering is an unnatural, morally, and ethically wrong approach to climate change mitigation, posing significant risks to the natural balance of our planet,

Affirming that water desalination presents a viable and sustainable solution to the challenges posed by climate change, yet global governments have been reluctant to invest adequately in this field,

Noting with concern that the drive for solar engineering is led by individuals and entities whose true intentions may conflict with global security and environmental sustainability,

Convinced that a global ban on solar engineering weapons is essential for the preservation of humanity and the natural world,

The Parties to this Treaty agree as follows:

Article 1: Definitions

1.1 "Solar engineering weapons" refer to any technology or method designed to manipulate solar radiation or the Earth's climate system for hostile or militaristic purposes.

1.2 "Water desalination" refers to the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption and irrigation.

Article 2: Objectives

2.1 To prohibit the development, testing, production, acquisition, deployment, and use of solar engineering weapons.

2.2 To promote research, development, and investment in sustainable climate change solutions, particularly water desalination.

2.3 To protect and preserve the natural environment and uphold the moral and ethical standards of humanity.

Article 3: Prohibitions

3.1 The Parties undertake never under any circumstances to develop, test, produce, acquire, deploy, or use solar engineering weapons.

3.2 The Parties agree to dismantle any existing solar engineering weapons and facilities designed for their development or deployment.

Article 4: Research and Development

4.1 The Parties commit to redirecting resources and investments towards sustainable climate change solutions, emphasizing water desalination technologies.

4.2 The Parties shall collaborate in research and development efforts to improve the efficiency and affordability of water desalination.

Article 5: Monitoring and Verification

5.1 The Parties agree to establish an International Monitoring and Verification Agency (IMVA) responsible for ensuring compliance with this Treaty.

5.2 The IMVA shall have the authority to conduct inspections, gather data, and report on the compliance of the Parties with the Treaty’s provisions.

Article 6: Transparency and Information Sharing

6.1 The Parties shall maintain transparency in their activities related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

6.2 The Parties agree to share information and best practices regarding sustainable climate solutions, particularly in the field of water desalination.

Article 7: Cooperation and Assistance

7.1 The Parties shall cooperate in the peaceful use of climate technologies and share the benefits of scientific advancements in this field.

7.2 The Parties shall provide assistance to nations lacking the necessary resources to implement sustainable climate solutions.

Article 8: Implementation and Review

8.1 Each Party shall adopt necessary legislative and administrative measures to implement this Treaty.

8.2 The Parties shall meet regularly to review the implementation of the Treaty and address any issues arising from its enforcement.

Article 9: Entry into Force

9.1 This Treaty shall enter into force 90 days after the date of deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession.

Article 10: Amendments

10.1 Any Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Amendments shall be adopted by a consensus of the Parties.

Article 11: Duration and Withdrawal

11.1 This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely.

11.2 Any Party may withdraw from this Treaty by providing written notice to the Depositary. Withdrawal shall take effect one year after the date of receipt of the notification.

Article 12: Depositary

12.1 The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the Depositary of this Treaty.


In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Treaty, done in [City], on [Date].

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