Ban Processed Foods for Children

We aim to care for our children by banning processed foods

Executive Summary

We believe in banning processed food for children in order to promote natural and healthy brain development. This proposal to ban processed foods for children aims to address the growing concerns surrounding childhood obesity, poor nutrition, and long-term health consequences. Processed foods, often high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, have been linked to numerous health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and behavioral problems. This summary outlines the key benefits, challenges, and recommendations for implementing such a ban.

The Science of Processed Foods

  • A recent study published in The BMJ is reporting that ultra-processed foods can be as addictive as smoking:

  • Foods high in refined carbohydrates and fats can cause changes in the brain.

  • Eating a typical American diet full of ultra-processed foods can change your microbiome so that it is less diverse and has fewer types of beneficial bacteria, said Arpana Gupta, co-director of the Goodman-Luskin Microbiome Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. The gut microbiome refers to the microbes that live in the digestive tract. It influences immune function, the stress response system and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, all of which affect mental health:

  • Recent research published in the journal Neurology suggests that people who consume more ultra-processed foods may indeed face higher risks of cognitive impairment and stroke compared to those who eat fewer processed foods.

  • There's a growing body of evidence that ultra-processed foods may affect how our immune system works. This may explain why some studies have linked ultra-processed foods with inflammatory bowel disease and potentially autoimmune diseases.

  • Studies on mice have shown exposure to low concentrations of emulsifiers can weaken the gut's mucus barrier. This can make it easier for microbes (including harmful ones) to cross in and out of the gut. Changes in the mucus barrier's integrity also correlated with higher levels of inflammatory markers. These are signs the body's immune system is activated.

  • Ultra-processed foods are also linked to changes in the gut microbiome's composition. Diets high in saturated fats, sugars, salt and additives (such as emulsifiers) have all been shown to decrease the abundance of beneficial bacteria that help maintain the gut barrier in mice. There was also an increase in harmful bacteria that triggered inflammation.

  • For example, one trial showed that a diet high in ultra-processed foods led to higher calorie intake and weight gain compared to a diet without any ultra-processed foods that were matched for calories and sodium levels. Over time, highly ultra-processed diets may contribute to obesity and chronic inflammation. Both factors are closely linked to alterations in the gut microbiome – including decreased microbial diversity and increased gut permeability – which may subsequently affect immune function.

  • In February 2024, the world’s largest review of its kind found UPFs were directly linked to 32 harmful effects to health, including a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, adverse mental health and early death.

Key Benefits

  1. Improved Health Outcomes:

    • Reduction in Obesity Rates: Eliminating processed foods from children's diets can significantly decrease the incidence of childhood obesity, leading to a healthier population and reduced healthcare costs.

    • Better Nutritional Intake: Children will consume more whole foods rich in essential nutrients, promoting optimal growth and development.

  2. Enhanced Cognitive and Behavioral Development:

    • Stable Energy Levels: Whole foods provide sustained energy, reducing mood swings and improving concentration and academic performance.

    • Decreased Behavioral Issues: Reducing intake of artificial additives and high sugar content can lead to fewer behavioral problems and improved mental health.


  1. Accessibility and Affordability:

    • Socioeconomic Barriers: Families with limited financial resources may find it challenging to afford whole foods, necessitating support programs to ensure equitable access.

    • Food Deserts: Areas with limited availability of fresh produce require infrastructural changes to provide necessary healthy food options.

  2. Education and Awareness:

    • Nutritional Knowledge: Parents and caregivers need education on the importance of whole foods and how to prepare balanced meals.

    • Cultural Preferences: Addressing diverse dietary habits and preferences is essential to ensure acceptance and adherence to the ban.


  1. Policy and Regulation:

    • Legislative Action: Enact laws that limit the marketing and sale of processed foods to children, particularly in schools and childcare centers.

    • Subsidies for Healthy Foods: Provide financial incentives for the production and purchase of fresh, whole foods.

  2. Community Support and Education:

    • Nutrition Programs: Implement educational programs to teach families about the benefits of whole foods and provide cooking classes.

    • Support Services: Develop community-based services to assist low-income families in accessing and preparing healthy foods.

  3. School and Public Health Initiatives:

    • Healthy School Meals: Ensure school meal programs offer nutritious, unprocessed foods, and eliminate vending machines that sell junk food.

    • Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of processed foods and the benefits of a whole-food diet.

Scientists call for tobacco-style warnings on Ultra-processed foods “UPFs are increasing their share in and domination of global diets, despite the risk they represent to health in terms of increasing the risk of multiple chronic diseases,” Monteiro told the Guardian ahead of the conference in São Paulo.

“UPFs are displacing healthier, less processed foods all over the world, and also causing a deterioration in diet quality due to their several harmful attributes. Together, these foods are driving the pandemic of obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases, such as diabetes.”

The stark warning comes amid rapidly rising global consumption of UPFs such as cereals, protein bars, fizzy drinks, ready meals and fast food.

In the UK and US, more than half the average diet now consists of ultra-processed food. For some, especially people who are younger, poorer or from disadvantaged areas, a diet comprising as much as 80% UPF is typical.



Banning processed foods for children is a proactive step towards improving public health, fostering better educational outcomes, and ensuring a healthier future generation. While challenges exist, strategic policy implementation, education, and community support can facilitate this transition, making nutritious diets accessible and appealing to all children.

Last updated