The Plan to Shut Down the CIA & Heal America


In recent years, concerns about the clandestine operations and unchecked power of the CIA have intensified. The argument for shutting down the CIA stems from claims that the agency has engaged in activities undermining democratic institutions and national security. This paper outlines the case for military intervention to address these issues and restore constitutional governance.

The Role of the CIA and Its Alleged Misconduct

1.1 The CIA’s Mission The CIA was established to provide national security intelligence and conduct covert operations. Its mandate includes gathering and analyzing information about foreign threats to U.S. security.

1.2 Allegations of Misconduct The CIA has overstepped its bounds and engaged in activities detrimental to American democracy:

  • Shadow Government Claims: The CIA operates a shadow government, undermining elected officials and compromising democratic institutions.

  • Assassination of President Kennedy:The CIA’s assassination of President Kennedy's represents a declaration of war on the United States and an effort to destabilize the government.

Impact on Democracy and Governance

2.1 Erosion of Trust The CIA has compromised the Office of the President and Congress which undermines the rule of trust.

2.2 Threat to National Security The CIA’s alleged actions have contributed to instability and pose a threat to national security, making it necessary to reevaluate the agency's role and power.

The Need for Military Intervention

3.1 Preserving the Chain of Command To safeguard democratic governance, some argue that it is essential for the military to intervene and ensure that all branches of government adhere to constitutional principles. This includes addressing any internal threats to national security.

3.2 Special Operations Against CIA Assets Proponents of military action suggest deploying special operations forces to dismantle covert operations and neutralize assets that are deemed a threat to democratic stability.

Tasks to Unwind CIA's Control over America

  • Investigate George Bush Sr.’s involvement in Kennedy’s death, the assassination attempt on Reagan, the economic collapse of the USSR, his involvement with Barrick Gold, Riggs Bank, Velment Bank, the Brady Durham Bond scandal, the attacks of 911, his involvement with the Azerbijan Commerce Committee’s theft of oil, both Iraq wars, and his work with the Carlyle Group.

  • Dissolve the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and let the NSA again resume its role as the leader of the intelligence community.

  • Repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA and dissolve the office of Homeland Security.

  • End the NSA surveillance of Americans through Cisco routers, Intel processors, I-phones, Microsoft software, Google spying, Facebook spying, and network broadcasting of subliminal programming.

  • Audit and dissolve DARPA, the Defense Research Advanced Research Projects Agency, where the technology for surveillance and weaponized information systems are developed.

  • Audit and dissolve In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s form of DARPA, that uses the SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) as its industrial application arm.

  • End the Highlands Forum (Group) that tells DARPA and In-Q-Tel what to focus their research on.

  • End the Council on Foreign Relations because it is the policy maker for the military industrial complex of America and keeps America entangled in continuous war and conflict. It is another home for globalism like the United Nations.

  • Audit the Economic Stabilization Fund and then end the CIA’s control of the ESF returning control to the Treasury Department.

  • Seize the assets of Barrick Gold Corporation and prosecute the company for theft and gold laundering.

  • Return the assets stolen from USSR satellite countries that Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger orchestrated. Prosecute the entire Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (Dick Cheney, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, James Baker, Lloyd Bentsen, Richard Armitage, and Richard Perle).

  • Dissolve Obama’s ISIS mercenaries and end the fake war on terrorism.

  • Rescind Obama’s additions to the National Defense Authorization Act and his executive orders that consolidate presidential powers that establish control over Americans that bypass existing U.S. laws.

  • Try Obama and Clinton for war crimes for bombing seven sovereign nations without congressional approval.

  • Investigate George Bush Jr.’s involvement with the second Iraq war and the false flag events of 911.

  • Investigate, audit, and close the CIA. Audit all companies that are alleged to have been started with CIA funds and seize their assets.

  • Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence operatives from working for international intelligence agencies.

  • Stop using privately owned intelligence agencies for U.S. governmental contracts.

  • Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence personnel and government regulators from working for companies that they previously monitored and regulated.

  • Seize the stolen gold that the CIA holds and launders through Barrick Gold, CIA banks, the Zurich gold repository, and the U.S. Federal Reserve System and central banks throughout the world.

  • Seize all CIA offshore accounts.

  • Release the stolen CIA funds George Soros and Leo Wanta acquired through currency manipulation in Russia.

  • Return the CIA stolen gold to its country of origin: Spain, China, Germany, France, Russia, Japan and the other countries it was taken from.

  • Audit gold throughout the world and establish a new base-line for gold commodities worldwide.

  • Streamline U.S. intelligence and stop contracting with transnational, global, corporations.

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