Kingdom of Israel vs. United States of America

Office of the Attorney General United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

Subject: Notice of Intent to Sue – Kingdom of Israel vs. United States of America

To Whom It May Concern,

This notice serves as a formal statement of intent to initiate legal proceedings against the United States of America on behalf of the Kingdom of Israel, in accordance with applicable laws.

1. Basis for Claim: The Kingdom of Israel asserts that the United States’ actions in relation to the Kingdom of Hawaii constitute an illegal invasion and occupation of territory historically linked to the Lost Tribes of Israel. The Kingdom of Hawaii identifies as a Lost Tribe of the Kingdom of Israel. The Kingdom maintains its lineage and patriarchal bloodlines which will be documented in court. The Kingdom of Israel demands the return of sovereignty over these islands, which are integral to its historical and cultural identity.

2. Claims for Damages: In the event that sovereignty is not restored, the Kingdom of Israel demands the payment of damages exceeding $1 trillion. This amount is to be used for the purpose of repurchasing land on behalf of the Kingdom and compensating for economic losses incurred due to the unlawful occupation.

3. Terms for Resolution: The Kingdom of Israel is willing to allow the continued presence of the U.S. military in the region as part of a peaceful resolution, provided that sovereignty over the islands is acknowledged and returned.

4. Legal Grounds: The claims herein are grounded in historical treaties, international law, and the principle of self-determination for peoples and nations. This notice is intended to afford the United States an opportunity to address these grievances before formal legal action is taken.

Please consider this letter as a serious and urgent matter. A response is requested within 90 days of the date of this notice. Failure to respond adequately may result in the initiation of legal proceedings without further notice.


Matthew L. Weintrub HRH Sovereign Prince - Kingdom of Israel

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