My Dad

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for the gift of my dad Mark. Thank You for his love, wisdom, and guidance, which have shaped my life in countless ways. Please bless him abundantly, Lord. Grant him strength and health, that he may continue to lead and inspire. Fill his days with joy, peace, and contentment, and surround him with Your divine protection.

May he always feel Your presence, especially in moments of doubt or challenge. Guide his steps, Lord, and bless the work of his hands. Help him to know how deeply he is loved and appreciated, not just by me but by all who are fortunate enough to know him.

As he has cared for me, please care for him. Let Your love and light fill his heart, giving him the courage to face each day with faith and hope. May he find rest and renewal in You, and may his spirit be lifted by Your grace.

Thank You, Lord, for my dad. I ask all these things in Your holy name.

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