
What is Neuromodulation?

  • Neuromodulation refers to techniques that alter nerve activity by delivering electrical or chemical stimuli to specific sites in the nervous system.

  • Common Techniques:

    • Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Involves implanting electrodes in specific brain regions to treat conditions like Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, and sometimes depression.

    • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): Uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, often used to treat depression.

    • Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): Stimulates the vagus nerve to treat epilepsy and depression.

    • Chemical Stimulation: Involves the delivery of drugs or neurotransmitters directly to specific brain regions. This method allows for highly localized treatment, reducing systemic side effects and improving efficacy.

    • Ultrasound and Magnetic Stimulation: Non-invasive techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and focused ultrasound have shown promise in modulating brain activity without the need for implants, offering a less invasive alternative for patients.


Understanding mind argumentation is a complex challenge, often requiring advanced techniques beyond basic methodologies. Nanotechnology, with its capability to manipulate materials at the atomic and molecular levels, presents a revolutionary approach to addressing these challenges. Nanoparticles, varying in size from 1-100 nm and in form from tubes and spheres to fullerenes with diverse materials such as carbon, metal, ceramic, semiconductors, polymers, and lipids, offer transformative potential in neuroscience. Nanotechnology's impact is significant in pharmaceutical applications, particularly in drug delivery systems, nano-sized capsules, and medical tools.

Key applications of nanotechnology include image mapping and therapeutic delivery to neural cells. Image mapping focuses on the central nervous system (CNS) and is paving the way for advanced imaging technologies. Nanoparticles play a crucial role in interacting with anatomical and physiological compartments, particularly the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a complex structure essential for protecting the CNS and regulating the movement of ions and macromolecules between the blood and the brain.

Challenges remain in designing nanoparticles for effective brain application, particularly in nanomedicine, where the functionality and technique of these particles are critical. This review emphasizes the significance of CNS imaging and brain augmentation through nanotechnology, highlighting its potential in controlling mind functions and overcoming the barriers presented by the BBB.

DARPA Funding Nanoparticles to Read Neural Signals

Instead of getting invasive neural implants needled into your brain, doctors may someday be able to flood your head with millions of nanoparticles that can read your neural signals from inside and relay them to a nearby computer.

At least, that's the future that University of Miami engineer Sakhrat Khizroev is hoping for. He's developed magnetoelectric nanoparticles (MENPs) that can travel through your bloodstream, permeat your brain, and read individual neurons' signals in a way that can be picked up by a specialized helmet, according to a university press release.

And, to little surprise, the US military is also interested. DARPA, the Pentagon's research division, launched the BRainSTORMS project to test the technology in hopes that it will allow soldiers injected with the nanoparticles to communicate with military systems with just their thoughts.


Neural sensing and stimulation form the basis for creating a brain-machine interface. "Brain–machine interface" (BMI) is a device that translates neural information into commands, which can control external software or hardware.

Real-time monitoring of brain function with wireless nanotechnology, so-called "smart dust" was presented in 2013 [4-7]. In 2015, there is a great deal of interest in the material graphene as its ability to interact with nerve cells and nerve fibers was identified.

Graphene has unique properties that make it suitable in microelectrodes for simultaneous reading of the activity in a large number of neurons. An article from 2015 describes how a newly developed graphene-based implant can record electrical activity in the brain at low frequencies and cover large areas of the brain.

"Neural dust " is a wirelessly powered brain-computer interface consisting of a piezoelectric sensor in the 10-100 µm 3 scale that can record brain activity from the extracellular space and convert it into an electrical signal.

Graphene-based nanoantennas could also enable intelligent “smart-dust” swarms to work together. It has been found that graphene oxide injected into mice opens the blood-brain barrier and then accumulates in the brain, especially in the thalamus and hippocampus.

Vaccine Based Mind Control Experimentation

Tomas Person an Associate professor in energy engineering dived deep into the nanotech research and concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic and the Covid injections were staged to start controlling and enslaving people. He found the mRNA injections contains nanotechnology and the purpose is to hack your brain according to DARPA.

In 2015 , Charles Lieber's research group published results that showed that by means of an injection directly into the brain of living mice, it was possible to create a three-dimensional network covered with small electronic devices, which could record and stimulate signals from individual brain cells in the mice's brain.

The technology enables continuous and simultaneous reading of thousands or millions of brain cells. Charles Lieber holds a large number of patents in nanotechnology and neural sensing.

Graphene nanotubes can improve performance in reading signals from brain cells. Porous graphene electrodes show superior impedance and charge injection properties, making them ideal for highly efficient readout and stimulation of activity in the cerebral cortex.

Graphene nanotubes or carbon nanotubes have now been identified both in the Covid-19 injection fluid and in the blood of injected humans.

Researchers talk about the possibility of connecting the brain to the internet and just by thinking, being able to access all information online. Hypotheses and theory to enable both uploading and downloading of data via a brain-computer interface were published in 2019 where neural nanorobotics ( Nanobots [23, 24]) can cross the blood-brain barrier, but the timetable for practical implementation was stated to be 20 to 30 years in the future.

Hydra Vulgaris is an organism that has interested researchers, among other things because it is immortal [27]. They have succeeded in measuring signals in Hydra Vulgaris nerve cells (neural networks) and mapping how they connect to special behaviors in order to understand the structure of neural networks.

It has recently been shown with experiments on rats that nano-sized robots, so-called "nanobots" loaded with cancer drugs can be injected into the bloodstream and make their way to the brain, pass the blood-brain barrier and deliver the drug into the brain tumor.

Thus, it has been shown in scientific publications that both graphene oxide and nanobots can cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain. At the same time, graphene nanotubes or graphene electrodes are considered to be superior for achieving highly efficient reading and stimulation of activity in the cerebral cortex. In addition, the goal is that the interface between the brain and the Internet should be able to be installed via injections.

Ray Kurzweil , an American computer scientist said in 2015 that in 20 years we will be able to connect the brain (neocortex) to the cloud by adding nanorobots to the bloodstream. Even the World Economic Forum's founder Klaus Schwab "predicted" in 2016 that people will have microchips implanted in their brains as early as 2026 to connect to the Internet.

The link between the Covid-19 injections and brain-computer interfaces is discussed by Karen Kingston and Ana Mihalcea . It thus appears to be technically possible to use injections to transform people into humanoids, i.e. human robots, which are controlled by artificial intelligence via the Internet. If two-way communication via brain-computer interface is implemented, then artificial intelligence poses a threat to human freedom on a completely different level than could be imagined.

According to a report from DARPA, dated 2018 [35] (figure 1), which describes the objective of a research project, next-generation non-surgical neurotechnology is to be developed and tested under the N 3 program.These "nanotransducers" should be able to be delivered in an invasive (non-surgical) manner, which includes injection, oral delivery, or inhalation, and involve technology that self-assembles inside the body.

The technology should enable high-resolution neural recording and stimulation, i.e. two-way communication. So it seems that DARPA further developed Charles Lieber's technology for neuromodulation, which has now been tested during the injection campaign, where the project goal was to connect people's brains to the Internet.

However, it is unclear whether sufficient numbers of injections were achieved for the trial to be successful on a larger scale. Personality changes from the injection have been identified in some cases where brain damage from the injection has been discussed as a cause [36, 37].

Nanotechnology is also identified in the blood of "unvaccinated" individuals?

Disturbing findings [38-43] claim that graphene-like structures, hydrogels and quantum dots previously identified in the injection fluid and in the blood of individuals injected with Covid-19 have now also been identified in unvaccinated individuals. It gives an indication that there are more ways of spreading the nanotechnology than via the Covid-19 injection.


One possibility for the transfer of nanotechnology from injected to non-injected that has been discussed is "shedding" , that is, the transfer of particles between people. Shedding has been suggested as an explanation for side effects occurring in non-injected subjects [44-47].

In Pfizer's guidelines for vaccine testing [48] on page 67, it is stated that it should be recorded if, for example, a pregnant or lactating woman comes into contact with a recently injected individual, indicating that Pfizer is aware of the possibility of shedding of nanoparticles.

Another FDA report on guidelines for shedding studies [49] states that shedding can occur from the patient treated with gene therapy preparations through one or all of the following means: excreta (faeces) secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids, etc.) or through the skin .

The question is whether sufficient quantities can be transferred?

Other troubling findings are that graphene oxide or nanotechnology has been found in blood from meat [50, 51], and magnetic meat has appeared on the market [52-57], which could mean contamination with graphene oxide.

Development of mRNA injections for livestock began in 2016 by Bayer and BioNTech [58] and production of CureVac's mRNA-based vaccine begins in Germany in 2021 [59].

Since 2018, the Gates Foundation has collaborated with the University of Edinburgh to develop vaccines and genetics for livestock [60]. Researchers are working to develop an mRNA-related vaccine to combat Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle [61].

SEQUIVITY from Merck Animal Health is a customized swine vaccine that was recently introduced [62]. mRNA vaccines may already have been injected into American pigs for five years [63] and American farmers are now beginning to inject mRNA into cattle [64-67].

The knowledge of spreading vaccines via vegetables has existed since the year 2000 [68] and inhalable vaccines that are also self-propagating are being developed where RNA is attached to an existing virus and spread from person to person without consent [69].

A new study reports successful attempts to create antibodies against sars-cov-2 in mice via cow's milk [70]. Introduction of mRNA vaccines for livestock, may explain why Bill Gates , a programmer and computer pioneer is buying up farmland [71] and at the same time investing in vaccine technology [72]. Bill Gates is since 2021 the largest private landowner in the USA with a total of 98,000 hectares of agricultural land [73].

Hydrogel substances and nanotechnology have also been found in insulin [74-78], which can be explained by the fact that quantum dots ( Quantum Dots ) can be used for biosensing [79] and can, among other things, regulate insulin sensitivity [80].

Nanotechnology has also been found in other drugs [81-85], in dental anesthetics [86-88], in common vaccines [89, 90], in monoclonal antibodies [91] and in drinking water and rainwater [92].

Nanotechnology world association , NWA [93] is an independent and mainly industry-oriented association whose mission is to accelerate and facilitate the implementation of nanotechnology solutions in all sectors of the global economy and they appear to be carrying out their mission well.

Ana Mihalcea [94] believes that we are witnessing an ongoing fusion between synthetic biology and human biology. The fact that nanotechnology has now also been identified in rainwater by Mihalcea [92] raises the issue of diffusion paths for graphene oxide and nanoparticles.

Ana Maria Mihalcea interviews Clifford E Carnicom [95] who tells us that he has identified alien synthetic life forms in human blood since 1999. The findings are similar to the nanotechnology that was found in both Covid injections and in Covid-19 injected blood, but which is now also seen in the blood of unvaccinated individuals . Magnetic material has also been collected from garden tables [96] and snow [97], but the composition of the magnetic material has not been analyzed.

The findings of nanotechnology in rainwater and magnetic material in dust raise the question of whether nanotechnology is routinely spread via stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)? Use of graphene oxide for cloud seeding is described in a patent [98].

In order to avoid contamination and enrichment of nanoparticles, nanotechnology and graphene oxide in living organisms, actual and possible dispersion routes must be identified and mapped. The spread of nanoparticles and nanotechnology needs to be regulated and severely limited. The precautionary principle also justifies the question of whether there are military applications for injectable nanotechnology, and to get a picture of these possibilities, it may be worth conducting a speculative study of nanotechnology as a weapon system.

Nanotechnology as a weapon system?

It has been shown to be possible to exert external wireless control over brain cells in mice with just one push of a button [99]. It is possible to turn neurons on or off in a living animal at will, repeatedly and without implants, by engineering the cells to make them susceptible to radio waves or a magnetic field.

Yeast cells can be programmed to generate output signals in response to stimuli [100]. Military applications are described by Charles Morgan who does research in neurobiology and forensic medicine. Morgan tells during a lecture for the military [101] at 27:45 that yeast cells can be programmed to make almost any substance and combined with the CRISPR technology [102, 103] a substance can be engineered that would kill a single selected person in the world .

By constructing a "designer receptor" and placing it in the body and by remote activation, it can be activated so that it starts producing the desired substance (DREADDs). It is also possible to program stem cells that can be programmed to become what you desire and place themselves in the desired place in the body while waiting for the remote activation.

As this type of weapon system targeting individuals is based on the person's DNA, they are now warned not to disclose their DNA to market players [104].

Morgan also tells us that it is possible to erase human memory by programming a cell that goes into the right place in the brain. Deletion of genes that contribute to fundamentalist behavior with vaccines (FUNVAX project) are other applications of gene therapy [105].

Morgan explains that nanoparticles are harmful if they accumulate in the brain and can thus be used to cause stroke [106]. Furthermore, Morgan describes that they managed to remotely control a person's arms via a non-invasive interface between two different people's brains, something that was published in 2014 [107].

What is the purpose of the potentially destructive techniques found in the Covid-19 injection?

Celeste Solum [108] describes that advances in synthetic biology make it possible to change the function of living organisms and that the changes can be distributed and integrated into living organisms via, among other things, food and vaccines.

Rima Laibow , who in 2009 warned of a coming pandemic and that the World Health Organization (WHO) is introducing forced vaccinations with the aim of killing and harming [109], is of the opinion that there is a plan to reduce the number of people and enslave those who survive [110].

Pierre Gilbert warned in 1995 [111], of a coming biological destruction with a contamination of humanity's bloodstream by creating intentional infections and compulsory vaccination. According to Gilbert, vaccines should make it possible to control people.

Gilbert said that the "vaccines" will have "liquid crystals" that will be stored in the brain cells, which will act as micro-receivers of low-frequency electromagnetic fields. Through these low frequency waves, people will not be able to think and you will turn into a zombie. Gilbert believes that this was tried in "Rwanda" via the CIA operation "Crimson Mist" [112].

However, a 2021 fact-finding review [113] considers Pierre Gilbert's claims to be baseless, but Gilbert's predictions that people's blood will be contaminated with "liquid crystals" agree quite well with blood analyzes presented in a study by Cipelli et al. [114].

Microscopy of Covid-19 Injections

Shimon Yanowit shows microscopy images of Pfizer and Moderna's Covid-19 injection [115] (timestamp 1:30:55) showing spheres that he considers to be liposomes (liposomes [116]) nanocapsules (nanocapsules), microbubbles or nanospheres [117].

However, these findings could also be described as air bubbles. Microbubbles with black edges have also been identified by injection fluid microscopy by Zandre Botha [118] (Figure 2) and Ilia Bachev [119, 120] (JOHNSON&JOHNSON).

These are almost identical to graphene oxide microbubbles presented in a scientific paper [121], ruling out the possibility that they are natural formations. Findings of nanocapsules are also discussed in this presentation [122] (timestamp 13:27).

The question is why would these nanocapsules be in the Covid-19 injection?

Nanocapsules are said to be technology developed, among other things, for carriers and release of drugs or cancer drugs ( drug delivery, payloads ) [123] where local exposure near the tumor can increase efficiency. Drug release is said to be possible by breaking the capsule during radiation with a near-infrared pulsed laser [123].

A review of methods for the release of payloads enclosed in graphene oxide-encased magnetic nanoparticles shows that local heating and release can be activated with electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range between 50 kHz and 1 MHz [124].

Use of graphene oxide in these nanocapsules was a novelty in 2013, which showed good mechanical strength and biocompatibility [125]. Mobile phones can be used to release drugs via graphene oxide based nanocapsules [126]. But why have these nanocapsules been identified in the covid injection and what might they possibly contain?

Dr. Rashid Buttar [127] and attorney Todd Callendar [128-130] speculate that Marburg, E. coli and Ebola were introduced into the covid injection via nanocapsules, and that it can be released via the emission of 18 GHz signals that open nanospheres [131, 117] and promotes the uptake of the nanospheres into red blood cells [132].

In principle, it thus seems to be possible according to the description in reference [123] about the transport and remotely controlled release of medicines that the technology can instead be used for the release of infectious agents or other poisons.

That it would be precisely Marburg virus in the capsules is justified by the fact that, in parallel with the Covid-19 pandemic, there was also a preparedness law against Marburg virus [133, 134]. It is therefore debated whether the next pandemic could be Marburg [135-137].

A PCR test for Marburg has been developed [138] and vaccines against Marburg are under development [139]. These nanocapsules could thus theoretically constitute a form of Trojan horse that can be activated after the completion of the injection campaign, but it is unclear what percentage of the injections have these capsules.

Historically, there have been few cases of Marburg, and it is believed that the risk of infection is low, but that the mortality rate is high [137], hence a pandemic spread between people is unlikely.

According to a compilation [140], the number of athletes collapsing or dying has increased sharply after the roll-out of the Covid-19 injections since January 2021, but has now fallen back to lower levels again.

An unusual form of collapse with head rotation followed by convulsions (rotational seizures or vaccine death spiral) has been captured on surveillance cameras [141-145].

In this video [146] the nanocapsule technology as a carrier of substances is described and a hypothesis/speculation is made that the release of substances from nanocapsules could be caused by electromagnetic radiation and that it could be the cause of the sudden collapses with head turning followed by convulsions. Snake venom is reported to cause convulsions with tense muscles and can thus cause suffocation [146].


In summary, it seems technically possible to install a brain-computer interface with injections and transform people into humanoids, i.e. human robots, controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) via the Internet.

DARPA's report from 2018 [35] makes it clear that such intentions exist. Since the nanotechnology in the Covid-19 injections has been kept secret, we can assume that the purpose is to usurp power over the people and in such a scenario AI poses a direct threat to human freedom.

The military and medical applications enable direct control over life and death through the remote release of nanocapsules containing harmful substances or via programmable yeast cells that target specific DNA.

Disturbing findings suggest that there are more diffusion routes for nanotechnology and magnetic graphene oxide than just via injections.

In the next part of the article series (Part 4. DNA contamination and parasites) it is investigated whether the Covid-19 injection should be classified as a gene therapy with the potential to change the human genome.

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna

Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena. The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna. Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions.

From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

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