Strategy to Defeat the Cabal

Phase 1: Plan

1. Strategic Intelligence and Operations

  • Objective: Gather critical intelligence on the New World Order’s networks, assets, and methods to undermine their influence.

  • Actions:

    • Network Mapping: Utilize NSA and DIA resources to develop detailed maps of key networks, financial flows, and asset locations.

    • Offshore Assets: Conduct in-depth analysis of offshore financial systems to uncover how trillions in assets are used and transferred.

    • SIGNIT (Signal Intelligence): Focus on intercepting and analyzing communications within influential groups like the Bilderberg Group, high-level Freemasons, and royal families of Europe.

    • Committee of 300: Investigate and confirm the members and influence of the Committee of 300 through intelligence operations and open-source research.

    • Global Drug Trade: Identify key players and control mechanisms within the global drug trade to understand their influence and leverage.

2. Asset Identification


Identify and locate the assets of cabal members to facilitate seizure.


  • Asset Mapping:

    • Financial Records: Analyze financial records, bank accounts, and transactions to identify assets. This includes working with financial institutions to track transactions and holdings.

    • Property Records: Investigate property records to locate real estate and other tangible assets owned by cabal members.

    • Corporate Holdings: Examine corporate structures and ownership to identify shares, investments, and business assets.

  • International Coordination:

    • Collaborate with Allies: Work with international partners and intelligence agencies to identify and locate assets held abroad.

    • Cross-Border Information Sharing: Utilize international networks for cross-border information sharing and asset tracking.

3. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

  • Objective: Build coalitions with global partners to counteract and neutralize the influence of centralized control networks.

  • Actions:

    • Coalition Building: Form alliances with nations and organizations that share your goals of decentralization and transparency.

    • Intelligence Sharing: Establish intelligence-sharing agreements with allies to enhance operational effectiveness and coordination.

    • Economic Partnerships: Develop economic partnerships that promote decentralized finance and reduce dependency on centralized systems.

Phase 2: Share

1. Establishing Secure Communication Channels


Ensure that all sensitive information is shared securely with military partners while maintaining confidentiality and integrity.


  • Secure Platforms:

    • Encrypted Communication: Use encrypted communication channels and secure platforms for sharing intelligence findings. This may include secure email systems, encrypted messaging apps, and classified communication networks.

    • Access Control: Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information.

  • Classified Briefings:

    • Secure Facilities: Conduct briefings in secure facilities with high-level clearance to prevent unauthorized access.

    • Controlled Distribution: Use secure methods for distributing written reports and documents, ensuring they are only accessible to authorized military partners.

2. Coordination with Military Partners


Create a coordinated approach to sharing intelligence findings and fostering collaboration among military partners.


  • Intelligence Sharing Agreements:

    • Formal Agreements: Establish formal intelligence-sharing agreements with military partners that outline the scope, protocols, and security measures for sharing sensitive information.

    • Regular Updates: Schedule regular meetings or briefings to update military partners on new findings, developments, and strategic recommendations.

  • Joint Task Forces:

    • Establish Teams: Form joint task forces or working groups composed of representatives from each military partner. These teams will be responsible for analyzing and acting on the shared intelligence.

    • Collaborative Operations: Coordinate joint operations or initiatives based on the intelligence findings to address common threats and objectives.

3. Disclosure of Intelligence Findings


Ensure that military partners are fully informed about the cabal’s activities and how to counteract them.


  • Detailed Reports:

    • Comprehensive Documentation: Prepare detailed intelligence reports on the cabal, including their networks, assets, and operational methods. Ensure these reports are thoroughly vetted and accurate.

    • Executive Summaries: Create executive summaries for high-level officials to provide a concise overview of critical findings and recommendations.

  • Briefing Sessions:

    • High-Level Briefings: Conduct high-level briefings with military leaders and decision-makers to discuss the findings, implications, and strategic responses.

    • Tactical Briefings: Provide tactical briefings to operational units involved in implementing strategies based on the intelligence findings.

4. Ensuring Security and Confidentiality


Protect the sensitive nature of the intelligence and prevent leaks or unauthorized access.


  • Operational Security (OPSEC):

    • Security Protocols: Implement rigorous security protocols for handling and transmitting intelligence. Ensure that all personnel involved are trained in OPSEC.

    • Audit Trails: Maintain detailed audit trails of who has accessed the intelligence and when, to track and respond to any potential breaches.

  • Contingency Plans:

    • Leak Management: Develop contingency plans for managing leaks or breaches of sensitive information. This includes response strategies and communication plans.

    • Incident Response: Establish an incident response team to address any security issues related to the disclosure of intelligence findings.

Phase 3: Seed

1. Objective

  • Raise Awareness: Increase public knowledge about the New World Order, their methods, and their influence by using targeted psychological operations on social media.

2. Psyops Planning and Execution

A. Information Gathering and Analysis

  • Identify Key Topics: Determine the most impactful information related to the New World Order, including their methods, key figures, and operations.

  • Audience Segmentation: Analyze social media demographics to target specific groups that are more likely to be receptive to the message.

B. Content Creation and Distribution

  • Anonymous Channels: Use anonymous or pseudonymous accounts to disseminate information to avoid direct attribution and protect operatives.

  • Engaging Content: Create compelling and engaging content such as infographics, videos, and articles that highlight the activities and influence of the New World Order.

  • Narrative Framing: Frame the content to appeal to various audience segments, emphasizing transparency, freedom, and the dangers of centralized control.

C. Social Media Tactics

  • Viral Campaigns: Launch viral campaigns using hashtags, memes, and viral videos to spread key messages quickly and widely.

  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with social media influencers who align with the message to amplify reach and credibility.

  • Grassroots Mobilization: Encourage grassroots movements and discussions to build organic support and drive engagement.

D. Monitoring and Adaptation

  • Track Engagement: Monitor social media metrics to assess the reach and impact of the campaigns. Analyze which content performs best and adjust strategies accordingly.

  • Address Counter-Narratives: Prepare to counter misinformation or disinformation campaigns that may arise in response to your efforts.

E. Ethical Considerations

  • Avoid Manipulation: Ensure that the information shared is accurate and avoid tactics that could be deemed unethical or manipulative.

  • Respect Privacy: Respect individuals' privacy and avoid targeting or harassing specific individuals.

3. Integration with Broader Strategy

A. Coordination with Intelligence Operations

  • Share Insights: Coordinate with intelligence operations to ensure that the information released aligns with the broader intelligence and strategic objectives.

  • Feedback Loop: Use feedback from social media engagement to refine and adapt intelligence operations and strategic approaches.

B. Alignment with Reform Initiatives

  • Support Reforms: Ensure that the psyops campaigns support and align with the broader goals of financial decentralization, governance reform, and public education.

  • Promote Transparency: Highlight the benefits of transparency and decentralization in your campaigns to reinforce the message of your broader strategy.

4. Execution Framework

  • Dedicated Team: Form a specialized team responsible for psyops, including content creators, social media managers, and analysts.

  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources for content creation, social media management, and monitoring tools.

  • Legal and Ethical Oversight: Implement oversight mechanisms to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Phase 4: Live

1. Operational Coordination


Execute asset seizures in a coordinated and efficient manner.


  • Task Forces:

    • Form Specialized Teams: Create task forces comprising legal, financial, and law enforcement experts to oversee and coordinate asset seizure operations.

    • Develop Operational Plans: Draft detailed operational plans for asset seizures, including timing, logistics, and execution strategies.

  • Legal and Enforcement Actions:

    • Obtain Warrants: Secure court orders or warrants for asset seizure based on legal and intelligence findings.

    • Execute Seizures: Conduct asset seizures in accordance with legal requirements, including freezing accounts, taking possession of property, and securing corporate assets.

2. Asset Management and Preservation


Manage and preserve seized assets to ensure they are not tampered with or dissipated.


  • Secure Storage:

    • Physical Assets: Ensure that physical assets, such as real estate and valuable items, are properly secured and maintained.

    • Digital Assets: Safeguard digital assets, including cryptocurrency holdings, by using secure storage solutions.

  • Asset Tracking:

    • Monitoring Systems: Implement monitoring systems to track the status and condition of seized assets.

    • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure the integrity and proper handling of the seized assets.


Address legal and financial matters related to seized assets, including potential legal challenges and disposition.


  • Legal Proceedings:

    • Court Cases: Prepare for and manage legal proceedings related to the seized assets, including potential challenges from cabal members.

    • Asset Forfeiture: Pursue legal processes for permanent forfeiture of assets if applicable.

  • Financial Management:

    • Asset Liquidation: Manage the liquidation of seized assets as needed, including selling or redistributing them in accordance with legal requirements.

    • Use of Proceeds: Determine the appropriate use of proceeds from asset liquidation, such as funding law enforcement efforts or supporting public initiatives.

4. Public Relations and Communication


Manage public relations and communication to maintain transparency and support.


  • Press Releases:

    • Announce Seizures: Issue press releases to inform the public and media about the asset seizures, providing details on the scope and impact of the operations.

    • Address Concerns: Respond to public and media inquiries to address concerns and provide clarity on the actions taken.

  • Internal Communication:

    • Inform Stakeholders: Keep relevant stakeholders, including government officials and partner organizations, informed about the progress and outcomes of the asset seizure operations.

5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Blockchain Adoption

  • Objective: Transition global finance to a decentralized and transparent framework to counteract centralized control.


  • Blockchain Integration:

    • Advocacy and Education: Promote the advantages of blockchain technology through white papers, conferences, and media campaigns. Engage with financial institutions and technology firms to demonstrate successful use cases.

    • Pilot Projects: Implement pilot projects in various sectors (e.g., supply chain, real estate) to showcase blockchain’s potential for transparency and efficiency.

  • Regulatory Frameworks:

    • Collaborate with Policymakers: Work with regulatory bodies to develop frameworks that support blockchain technology while addressing potential risks.

    • Standards Development: Advocate for the creation of global standards for blockchain technology to ensure interoperability and security.

  • Public Awareness:

    • Educational Programs: Develop educational programs and workshops for businesses and the public on how decentralized finance works and its benefits.

    • Media Outreach: Use social media, traditional media, and influencers to spread information about the advantages of decentralized finance.

6. Reforming Intelligence Agencies

  • Objective: Increase transparency and accountability within intelligence agencies like the CIA.


  • Oversight Committees:

    • Legislative Proposals: Propose legislation to establish stronger oversight committees with broad authority to review intelligence operations.

    • Independent Reviews: Advocate for independent reviews and audits of intelligence activities to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.

  • Whistleblower Protections:

    • Legislative Reform: Push for enhanced protections for whistleblowers who expose wrongdoing within intelligence agencies.

    • Support Networks: Develop support networks for whistleblowers, including legal aid and counseling services.

  • Transparency Initiatives:

    • Disclosure Policies: Advocate for policies that require intelligence agencies to publicly disclose their budgets, operations, and oversight mechanisms.

    • Public Reporting: Support the creation of public reports that outline the activities and findings of intelligence oversight bodies.

7. New Reserve Currency Standard

  • Objective: Implement a new reserve currency based on blockchain technology to diminish reliance on centralized financial systems.


  • International Collaboration:

    • Partnerships: Form alliances with countries and financial institutions to design and implement a blockchain-based reserve currency.

    • Consensus Building: Engage in diplomatic efforts to build international consensus around the adoption of a new reserve currency.

  • Economic Incentives:

    • Promote Benefits: Highlight the benefits of a blockchain-based currency, such as reduced transaction fees, increased financial inclusion, and enhanced security.

    • Incentive Structures: Develop economic incentives for countries and institutions to adopt the new currency, including tax benefits or financial grants.

  • Pilot Programs:

    • Testing Grounds: Launch pilot programs in smaller or economically stable regions to test the viability and benefits of the new currency.

    • Evaluation and Scaling: Evaluate the results of pilot programs and refine the currency framework before broader implementation.

8. Global Debt Jubilee

  • Objective: Reset global debt to reduce economic control exerted through financial leverage.


  • Debt Relief Initiatives:

    • International Agreements: Negotiate international agreements for debt relief and restructuring, particularly for heavily indebted nations.

    • Debt Reduction Programs: Support initiatives that offer debt reduction or forgiveness in exchange for economic reforms and sustainability measures.

  • Economic Reforms:

    • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies that promote economic recovery and development in post-jubilee environments, such as investment in infrastructure and social programs.

    • Sustainable Development: Encourage sustainable development practices to ensure long-term economic stability.

  • Public Advocacy:

    • Global Coalition: Build a coalition of activists, economists, and policymakers to support and promote the debt jubilee.

    • Awareness Campaigns: Launch campaigns to educate the public and decision-makers about the benefits of the debt jubilee and the need for reform.

Implementation Strategy

  • Coalition Building:

    • Form Alliances: Partner with like-minded nations, organizations, and leaders who support decentralization and open-source governance.

    • Engage Stakeholders: Work with key stakeholders to gain support and resources for your initiatives.

  • Legislative Action:

    • Draft Laws: Collaborate with legislators to draft and promote laws supporting blockchain integration, intelligence reform, and other objectives.

    • Lobbying: Use lobbying efforts to influence policy decisions and garner support for your initiatives.

  • Public Campaigns:

    • Educational Initiatives: Launch educational campaigns to inform the public about the benefits of decentralization and open-source governance.

    • Advocacy Groups: Establish advocacy groups to mobilize support and pressure decision-makers.

  • Monitoring and Adaptation:

    • Track Progress: Continuously monitor the progress of your initiatives and make adjustments as needed.

    • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement mechanisms to gather feedback and adapt strategies based on emerging challenges and opportunities.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively promote open-source governance and decentralization, undermining centralized control and fostering a more transparent and equitable global system.

Last updated