Dear Elites Prepare for More Vigilante Justice

Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Good Morning America's Elites. Many elites are wondering what come next after the assassination of the CEO United Healthcare, America's largest and most corrupt healthcare insurance company?

Many elites are trying to say its "un-American to kill a CEO". Many on the right are trying to paint the killer as as leftist. They are misinformed. The killer is a third generation American who hails from a large Italian-American family that is both wealthy and conservative. This killer is not a leftist but a revolutionary.

I'm here to tell you that this murder is the equivalent of a modern Boston Tea Party protest. We the people are celebrating his death because of your moral injustice and we feel that we are on the cusp of revolution by taking our power back. I'm here to warn you of what is brewing beneath the surface.

Many of you elites out there have forgotten the spirit of our great nation. A spirit that led us to overthrow the British Empire, kick them in the fucking face and create the greatest nation the world has ever seen. Unfortunately dark satanic forces have come to control this nation top to bottom. This populist uprising is just the spark of the powder keg. If you want to prevent a forest fire then you better start paying attention to we the people and the needs of the people.

Welcome to the American Revolution 2.0

We the people hereby declare our independence from oligarchs and elitists who think they can continue to subjugate we the people to your moral and fiscal corruption. We the people accept our responsibility for our republic. We the people accept that it is our duty to overthrow a corrupt government which has perverted the republic into a state of omni-war and inflation that has robbed us of our wealth while removing all our rights under the guise of "capitalism".

We do not have capitalism in the United States. We have vulture capitalism which is a perversion of capitalism. Vulture capitalism describes how aggressive, profit-driven practices in the financial and investment sectors, where firms or investors exploit distressed companies or assets for financial gain. The term implies predatory behavior, likening such investors to vultures that feed on the weak or dying. This behavior is common across all industries but most common in America's two largest and most powerful lobbying forces: the healthcare cartel and the military industrial complex.

The elites started this class warfare when they abandoned all moral and ethical principles to become whores to the almighty dollar and decide that the basic needs of hard working Americans was beneath them. This is a warning to all the elites: the people will continue to rise up and neutralize all threats to OUR democracy. You don’t like the violence? Tough shit. You created this. You backed we the people into a corner and we're gearing up for resistance.

Real Christians know they must pick up their cross and follow Christ even if that means sacrificing one's life to spread the gospel. The gospel requires that we stand up to injustice to preach the word of God. God's word says nothing about elites except that they will be DAMNED. We are at the end times which means it is time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Many Americans are not religious but the point of this metaphor is to drive home that there are many elites who frankly should rescind their citizenship and get the fuck out. We don't need you or want you here anymore. We are going to Make America Godly Again.

That starts with doing right by the people. To all the wealthy and powerful elites out their who feign themselves as Christians, God knows your true heart and faith without good works means nothing when you go before the Lord on your judgement day.

The entire American economy is designed to benefit the elites. Most of America's liquidity that is printed from the Fed is used to prop up the stock market where all high net worth elites hold the majority of their assets and leverage favorable regulations to reduce their tax burden below the burden of an average American.

Healthcare used to have regulations and was not treated as a business for a reason. Health isn't a fucking business it's an essential service. It's time for our elites to find Jesus before we the people can find you.

We all know the government is broken. Stop stealing from we the people to buy second and third homes and yachts and paintings you don't fucking need. Or prepare for the next great American revolution.

May the Lord Bless you with the sight to see what is right and to do what is right.

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