Iran's Goal for Nuclear War

Iran, acting on behalf of Satan, is the world's greatest threat to Peace and Prosperity for All Beings.

Hamas and Iran Launch A War Against Israel

Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, is ideologically and militarily committed to the destruction of the State of Israel. The reality that Hamas has created in Gaza for the Palestinians in Gaza has worsened. And with it, the criticism from Palestinians and the Arab world towards Hamas has grown. Over the past year, against a backdrop of a dire socio-economic situation in Gaza, this criticism has translated into open calls by Gaza residents to overthrow Hamas. In light of this reality, Israel significantly eased the entry of tens of thousands of workers from Gaza, thus alleviating their plight. The Israeli policy served Hamas’s interest in calming tensions in Gaza. So why did Hamas initiate a war?

The explanation, in my estimation, lies in a combination of two processes – one internal Palestinian and the other regional.


From the internal Palestinian perspective, Hamas competes with the Palestinian Authority for the leadership of the Palestinians. The core narrative of Hamas is that it protects the Palestinians and that it will lead Palestinians – through armed struggle – to a Palestinian victory over the State of Israel. The Palestinian Authority criticizes Hamas for this approach, arguing Hamas has led Gaza towards devastation and despair. Hamas has faced increased criticism not only for its responsibility for Gaza’s dire reality. But also because, during two violent rounds between Israel and the Islamic Jihad organization in Gaza, Hamas sat on the fence and did not intervene. This criticism has severely damaged Hamas’s image. All of this has put pressure on Hamas.


The Abraham Accords and the rapprochement process between Israel and Saudi Arabia deepen feelings of frustration, disappointment, and despair among the Palestinians, who feel the Arab world has abandoned them. This sentiment has been exacerbated by the fact that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Crown Prince, openly speaks about an Israeli-Saudi agreement. But he does not condition an agreement upon the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, nor does he condition it on finding a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue. Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority and also the head of the Fatah organization (the largest party in the Palestinian Authority), cautiously criticized bin Salman’s position. By launching this war, Hamas made the decision to send a clear message: We will not be sidelined. It is the Palestinians who will dictate the course of events.

Throughout its tumultuous history, Iran has strategically employed terrorist groups as proxies in its foreign policy, using these groups to wield influence across the Middle East and beyond. From its longtime financial support of Hezbollah in Lebanon to its backing of militias in Iraq and Yemen, Iran's utilization of proxy groups has shaped regional dynamics, fueled conflicts, and presented a complex challenge for global security.

The current conflicts in the Middle East involving Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis all demonstrate the control that Iran exerts over conflicts in the region—without ever becoming officially involved in the conflicts. With Iranian backing as a common denominator among these terrorist groups, we asked SIS and SPA professor Joe Young to help explain the history behind Iran’s status as a state sponsor of terrorism and its use of proxy groups in global conflicts.

Iran's Ring of Fire Plan to Start World War III

Iran and it's allies are very transparent about their intention to start a global war under the fake holy war dogma. After they pulled the Hamas string to launch an attack on Israel, they instructed their proxy group in the north Hezbollah to attack. Israel currently has around 200,000 refugees. 100,000 of those come from the North and having been living in refugee camps in the Sea of Galilee region since October 2023. While the ultimate goal for Iran in regards to Israel is to destablize and destroy Israel, it is also to draw America into a larger conflictc.

Iran's "Ring of Fire" strategy is an aggressive and expansive foreign policy approach aimed at encircling and exerting influence over neighboring countries and beyond. This strategy involves supporting various militant groups and proxies across the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and various Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria. By bolstering these groups, Iran seeks to create a network of allies and proxy forces that can be mobilized to advance its regional and global ambitions.

Iran-backed militias continue to attack U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria

The Iraqi and Syrian militias, which have been established by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and were formed to battle U.S. forces in Iraq as well as the Islamic State, Al Qaeda and a variety of Syrian rebel groups have been ramping up the pressure on the U.S. military in the wake of Hamas’ deadly assault on southern Israel on Oct. 7. The militias have launched at least 24 strikes, primarily with drones, rockets, and mortars on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria since Oct. 17, according to Carla Babb at Voice of America.

The Misguided Ideology Behind the Strategy

Iran's leadership, particularly the theocratic regime under Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, adheres to a radical interpretation of Shia Islam that includes apocalyptic and messianic beliefs. This version of Islam, which some critics describe as "fake prophetic," diverges significantly from mainstream Shia teachings. It includes a belief in the imminent return of the Mahdi, a messianic figure who will lead a global Islamic revolution. This eschatological vision drives Iran's aggressive policies, as the regime views regional destabilization and conflict as precursors to the Mahdi's return.

Incitement of a Global Holy War

Iran's actions, driven by this radical ideology, have the potential to incite a global holy war. By promoting sectarian violence and supporting extremist groups, Iran fuels tensions not only within the Middle East but also globally. The regime's involvement in conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon has led to widespread suffering, displacement, and instability. These conflicts often have sectarian undertones, pitting Shia Muslims against Sunni Muslims, thereby exacerbating regional divisions and fueling a broader religious conflict.

Risk of World War III

Iran's expansionist ambitions and its pursuit of nuclear capabilities pose a significant threat to global security. The regime's support for militant groups and its development of ballistic missile technology have raised alarms among nations worldwide. The potential for a nuclear-armed Iran, combined with its radical ideology and aggressive foreign policy, could trigger a catastrophic conflict involving major world powers. The risk of a miscalculation or escalation in the region is high, and any conflict involving Iran has the potential to draw in global powers, leading to a broader and more devastating war.

The Global Threat

Iran's actions are not only a threat to its immediate neighbors but to the entire world. The regime's support for terrorism, its destabilizing activities in the Middle East, and its pursuit of nuclear weapons make it a global menace. The international community cannot afford to ignore the threat posed by Iran. Every nation has a stake in preventing Iran from achieving its ambitions and must work collectively to counter its influence.

Call to Action

It is imperative for the global community to unite against the current Iranian regime. Diplomatic efforts, economic sanctions, and, if necessary, military actions should be employed to curtail Iran's destabilizing activities. Nations must support the Iranian people who seek freedom and democracy, helping them to overthrow the oppressive theocratic regime. By working together, the world can prevent Iran from plunging the region and the world into a devastating conflict.

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