Seeking a FISA Warrant on Dominion Voting Systems

Call for NSA and DIA to Seek FISA Warrant Against Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County

In light of mounting concerns regarding the integrity of the recent elections in Arizona, Heal.Earth calls for a thorough investigation into potential foreign interference involving Dominion Voting Systems and Maricopa County. The voting machines in Maricopa County were knocked offline during the Crowdstrike software blackout. Given the critical nature of these concerns and their impact on our democratic processes, it is imperative that we employ the full extent of our legal and surveillance capabilities to ensure transparency and accountability.

We respectfully urge the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to seek a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to thoroughly investigate any potential foreign connections or influences that may have compromised our voting systems and electoral processes. A FISA warrant is necessary to uncover any covert activities that may be undermining our democracy and to protect the integrity of our electoral system.

The American people deserve to know that their votes are counted accurately and that our elections are free from undue influence. Ensuring the sanctity of our electoral process is not just a matter of national security but a fundamental pillar of our democracy. We believe that a FISA warrant will allow for a comprehensive and unbiased investigation, shedding light on any irregularities and holding accountable those who may have engaged in misconduct.

We call on all relevant authorities to take swift and decisive action in this matter. The confidence of the American electorate depends on our commitment to upholding the highest standards of electoral integrity.

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