Priorities for 2025
High Level
Voting ID Reform Law
Legalize Psychedelic Therapy for PTSD in Veterans
Immigration Reform, Border Operations and Deportation of known Criminals
Announce Plans for 200 Billion in Tariff Revenue
Announce Plans to Fund Fusion Energy Research
Announce Plans to Subsidize Regenerative Agriculture
Announce a Federal Mandate for Healing Homelessness
Ban Transgender Hormone Therapy for Children
Designate Mexico's Cartels Trans-National Terrorist Organizations
Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization
Disclosure of Bioweapon Development of COVID-19
Disclosure of Jeff Epstein Client List
Support Israel's annexation of Syria
Announce acquisition offer for the annexation of Greenland
Announce plan to retake control of Panama Canal from China
Remove the United States from the WHO
Eliminate Daylight Savings
Legislation to curb DEI policies
Legislation to Regulate Radical Islam
Department of HHS
Announce a Commission to Investigate Autism Epidemic
Announce a Commission to Investigate the Obesity Epidemic
Announce a Commission to Investigate the Chronic Disease Epidemic
Reschedule Marijuana, Psilocybin and Ibogaine
Announce the creation of a new Food Pyramid
Announce plans to reform the childhood vaccine schedule to a maximum of 10 essential vaccinations for children under 3
Remove Immunity Protections from Vaccine Manufacturer's
Ban Pharmaceutical Advertising on MSM
Last updated