Designating Enemy Combatants for Biowarfare

I present the following list of individuals to be designated enemy combatants against the United States of America. These individuals are involved in a conspiracy to develop bioweapons and deploy them upon the citizens of the world:

  • Bill Gates

  • Anthony Fauci

  • Ralph Baric

  • Deborah Brix

  • Gina Haspel

  • All other individuals involved in COVID-19 bioweapon development, Bird Flu bioweapon development and Disease X bioweapon development.

We request the following designation so that the Secretary of Defense can invoke DOD directive 5240.1 to target these individuals.

The Accusations are as follows:

Violation of International Law

  • The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 criminalizes the development, possession, or use of biological agents for harmful purposes.

  • The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), established in 1975, prohibits the development, production, and acquisition of biological weapons. It is a binding treaty signed by most of the world's nations, which recognizes biological warfare as a threat to global peace and security.

  • The Geneva Protocol (1925), while focusing on chemical and biological weapons, also prohibits the use of biological agents in warfare.

  • Customary International Law: The use of biological weapons is also considered a violation of customary international law, which governs the conduct of warfare.

War Crimes Under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the use of biological weapons is considered a war crime if committed in the context of an armed conflict. Article 8 of the Rome Statute lists the use of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering or have indiscriminate effects, including biological weapons, as a violation of the laws of war. Crimes Against Humanity If biological weapons are used against civilians on a large scale, this can also constitute a crime against humanity under international law. This crime refers to widespread acts committed against civilians, such as genocide, extermination, and enslavement, among other serious violations.

Public Health and Safety Violations

Bioweapons attacks could also be considered violations of public health and safety laws within national legal systems, leading to charges of recklessness, endangerment, or causing harm to public health.

Environmental Crimes

If biological agents are used to damage ecosystems (for instance, targeting crops or livestock), the act could also be classified as an environmental crime under both national and international laws, such as those related to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Last updated