Integrity is a godly trait.
It is there to help us from walking away from the path of the Lord.
Integrity is a discipline and it can be applied in all facets of one's life but integrity essentially boils down to this one concept:
At the end of the day, can you stand in front of your mirror and gaze into your own eyes and say to yourself: Lord I did my best today. Lord I am proud of what I did today.
If you are speak truly from your heart space God knows and He too will be proud of you.
God wants the best for all His Children as does any good Father. It pains God to see His Children struggling to grow into their highest selves but he knows that growing pains help you grow. No need to worry about the Father, he often laughs at what he sees as our inner dramalogue.
Let us learn to first sow integrity into our own spirit so that we may learn how to sow it into the world.
Hearts that speak truth, know truth.
Hearts that seek truth, find truth.
The Lord awaits the Pure of Heart for they are rewarded with the treasures of His Kingdom.
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