Torah of Ascencion

תורה של תעות

Imagine the life of hedonist: sex, more sex, sex all day, then orgies, then it gets weird, food, then more food, then you get fat, then you take ozempic to not be fat, money, more money, greed, power and before you know it you're a billionaire politician denying the people healthcare. You buy cars, clothes, houses, paintings, a big yacht, then a bigger yacht, planes and country club memberships. Everyone knows your rich and famous. Then it hits you that you acquired all these things and you still aren't happy. So you get married have some kids. Get bored and get a second wife. Realize you're bored of her and get some girlfriends on the side. And still you are not happy. Then what?

We call this the hedonistic treadmill.

No matter how many material things one acquires to appease the desires of their flesh they can't get no satisfaction. Tragic. Mick Jagger gets it.

The Torah of Ascension

Ascension, transcendence, unity, samara, enlightenment, gnosis. All amazing words from human culture seeking the same thing: satisfaction outside the bounds of the flesh.

The yearning for this state of being suggest a shared understanding among humanity that physical existence is but a fragment of a larger, often hidden reality. This shared quest reflects the hope that within or beyond the human condition lies something infinite, something eternal—a realm of truth, joy, and peace unfettered by bodily limitation.

And that's true. The soul operates like an immune system. Your immune system keeps you healthy but when its going to battle with a virus it will make you sick. This is a deliberate tactic of the body that is designed to slow you down so you can rest. The body is working on healing itself and it's using a large amount of energy. Well the soul does the same thing more or less but it operates on the energy body which today science calls subtle energy.

Subtle energy is a non-physical energy that is not directly observable, but is believed to permeate the universe. Subtle energy is why the science of earthing is real. For newcomers, Earthing, also known as grounding, is the practice of connecting the body to the Earth's natural electric charge. Point is there is more than meets the eye. Cool beans.

The soul's immune system often expresses itself as depression, anxiety or unease at various checkpoints in life. This intention it to reorient you to connect with the true purpose of your life and why you came for an earth visit. So let's take our hedonist above. Maybe the point of their life is to realize how much goodness (tov) they can do in the world if they stop trying to pleasure all their senses but they connect to their soul's desire to please God. But they don't know that until they discover the torah of ascension.

Our hedonist might not even know he's a soul in a human body. Oh my god. I am so sorry. I just assumed his gender. This story could also be about a woman. Sorry ladies for assuming.

Our hedonist might not even know she's a soul in a human body. That's where these torah teachings come in. Ascension teachings are about how to discover the soul and gradually experience the higher reality through it.

Within the bounds of Torah, the indigenous philosophy of the Tribes of Yisrael, is a school of wisdom on higher states of consciousness. It's usually called Kabbalah and it explores the nature of God and how to attain a deeper understanding of God through knowledge. Those who go deep into Kabbalah eventually stumble upon the Zohar which is like the secret club within the club. Remember, in the klerb we all fam.

The wisdom of ascension states that we sense only a tiny portion of the true reality that exists, and it provides methods for attaining that much more expansive and higher reality. Moreover, this wisdom describes how when a soul discovers it, one will see how the reason we were born, raised, and developed over history as solely for the attainment of higher consciousness.

Attaining this higher reality is the key to exiting the loop of pursuing the pleasures of hedonism which lead to sense of growing emptiness. It is the key to finding out why we are alive, and how to achieve an eternal and perfect state during our lifetime instead of dying with half of our soul's true desires being left unfulfilled.

I don't mean to gate keep but I am. The hidden nature of the wisdom of Kabbalah over history gave it a certain appeal. It's wisdom is thousands of years old. It comes from Melchizedek. It was taught to Abraham and passed down. 2,000 years ago the wisdom keepers locked it away for safekeeping until the end of time. I'm explaining this because in our consumer-oriented society today, there are several organizations and companies marketing services and products with the name “Kabbalah” plastered all over them—which have no connection at all to authentic Kabbalah.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a higher science. It belongs to no religion or faith, nor does it pose any boundaries or limitations to one who wishes to study it.

Any person who wishes to understand the world he or she lives in, to know the soul, to know one’s fate and to learn how to govern it is welcome to study Kabbalah.

Through the education that the wisdom of Kabbalah provides, we can grow up to become happy, confident, and secure people in the fullest sense of our being.

May all beings be happy, healthy and free. Amen.

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