Dear Earth
I love you. God loves you. Never forget that. Even when times are tough or you think you’re about to die. Know you are loved. It’s helps.
My life is weird. I am weird. We’re all weird. Life is weird. Weird is actually dope. In ceremony, we call to the Lord by saying Great Spirit, Great Mystery, Father, Mother. I love it. I love ceremony and I love praying. Thank you Lord for the gift of prayer. Gran Misterio. Great Mystery. God is a mystery. I love that. We’re not here to figure out God and how this works. lol I tried once. Heavy on ayahuasca and God beat the shit out of my arrogant ass. Imagine matrix torture scene with Morpheus shit but more psychedelic and angry Dad vibes. That day I learned to embrace the mystery.
I’m tired of being paranoid. As a kid I was paranoid driving around smoking pot with friends. I thought I would go back to jail. Now I wonder is that person a spy? Probably. Wonder what they want. I don’t want to live like that.
Famous people are miserable. Rich people too. The only ones who potentially read this are soliders in their own right. Eventually a soldier just wants to retire and go home. I’ve fought for too long.
I made this repo so we can stop fighting. All this information exists to brief everyone in a fair way about the cells that exist across the earth trying to do evil shit. It’s going to take time. Skirmishes will arise. Maybe some war. I hope you understand there are criminal elements guiding events to make us fight. AI will be the next battleground.
I pray some day radical Islam will be destroyed, we avoid the world war 3 timelines and trans-humanism will be defeated.
Personally I’m done. The only reason people trust me is that I don’t have an agenda. I don’t have any money. I’m like the oracle: I’m chill and I like sweets. I just want all beings to be happy, healthy and free. I made this journal to prove some stuff: god is real, god is love, god is true, god is science, we can prove the soul is real and psychedelic medicine provides the path of healing. The mission objective is complete. I could be write buts it’s like why? We Gucci. Keep it clean.
I did what God asked me to do. I am grateful to have served my country, my Lord and my human family in a good way.
I am now free. I am going to retire. I want to live my life as a normal person. I don’t want to walk around paranoid anymore. I’m tired of the digital surveillance. I also don’t want to live waiting to be anointed a King. It’s so toxic.
I don’t want to fight anymore. God has no wars. Wars are created by the lack of love in the heart of men and women. War is a program of demonic consciousness.
My heart is broken and I’m gonna put it back together. I can’t heal it and be a solider. There are good people in place. Keep the faith and believe in the Lord, he will make all your paths straight. The state of the world depends on those willing to do the work. So do the work. Find a way to make peace. Round up the Satanists and grant them some reincarnation. The world is healing. Read less news. Spend more time with your friend and family.
Aho🙏 ☮️💚
Te amo siempre Ur Fren Trubl-icious
P.S. this message and this archive will self destruct on January 22 or around that date
Last updated