Soul Being Bill of Rights

Without a shadow of doubt, the study of physics and consciousness proves that energy is neither created nor destroyed. This universal life force many called Creator or God is embedded in the fabric of all of life. At the core of each lifeform is eternal soul energy. The Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia has published over 5,000 documented and peer-reviewed cases of research on reincarnation. It is now safe to conclude the soul is a real and persistent phenomena universal to life. Reincarnation is a phenomena or theory of consciousness which has roots in all major religious ideologies for time immemorial.

As soul beings who are children of God, creator of the universe, all souls are endowed with unalienable universal rights. The Heal Earth Institute proposes the following Universal Bill of Rights for all Human Soul Beings who incarnate into the third dimension of time and space.

  1. The Right to Clean Water, Clean Air and Healthy Soil: Everyone has the right to live in an environment that is safe, clean, and healthy. This includes the right to clean air, clean water, and safe and unpolluted soil.

    The recognition of the right to a healthy environment is increasingly being acknowledged as a fundamental human right alongside other established human rights. It ensures that individuals and communities can enjoy a healthy and sustainable environment, free from pollution, contamination, and degradation, and where the natural resources necessary for their health, livelihood, and well-being are protected.

  2. The Right to Natural Medicine: The right to natural medicine encompasses the freedom for individuals to access and utilize traditional, complementary, and alternative forms of medicine derived from natural sources. This right recognizes the cultural, historical, and medicinal significance of traditional healing practices and natural remedies. Key aspects of the right to natural medicine include:

  3. Right to life, liberty, and security of person: Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

  4. Freedom of expression: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The right also includes the freedom to worship God freely.

  5. Right to education: Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.

  6. Right to shelter: Everyone has the right to adequate housing and shelter. This includes access to safe, secure, habitable, and affordable housing that provides protection from the elements, ensures privacy, and allows for the development and maintenance of family and community relationships.

These are basic universal rights. However; in light of technological advances and disclosures from government officials around the world, we must take action to extend these universal rights to encompass one's consciousness and genetic material.

Neuro Rights: Neuro rights are a set of ethical principles and legal protections that safeguard individuals' rights in the face of advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology. These rights ensure that individuals maintain autonomy, privacy, and dignity regarding their neural data and cognitive processes. Key aspects of neuro rights include:

  1. Cognitive liberty: The right to freedom of thought, which includes the ability to control one's own consciousness and mental processes.

  2. Mental privacy: The right to privacy and protection from unauthorized access to one's neural data, thoughts, and emotions.

  3. Informed consent: The right to be fully informed about any neurotechnology used on oneself, and the ability to give or withhold consent freely.

  4. Equal access: Ensuring that neurotechnologies are accessible to all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender, or other characteristics.

  5. Freedom from discrimination: Protection from the use of neurotechnology to discriminate against individuals based on their neural data or cognitive abilities.

  6. Security and safety: Ensuring that neurotechnologies are developed and used in a manner that prioritizes the safety and well-being of individuals.

DNA Genetic Information Rights: DNA rights encompass the ethical principles and legal protections that safeguard individuals' rights concerning their genetic information. These rights ensure that individuals maintain autonomy, privacy, and dignity regarding their genetic data. Key aspects of DNA rights include:

  1. Genetic privacy: The right to privacy and protection from unauthorized access to one's genetic information.

  2. Informed consent: The right to be fully informed about any use or sharing of one's genetic data, and the ability to give or withhold consent freely.

  3. Non-discrimination: Protection from the use of genetic information to discriminate against individuals in areas such as employment, insurance, and healthcare.

  4. Equal access: Ensuring that genetic testing and genomic technologies are accessible to all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender, or other characteristics.

  5. Security and safety: Ensuring that genetic information is stored and used in a manner that prioritizes the safety and well-being of individuals.

Overall, DNA rights aim to balance the potential benefits of genetic information with the need to protect individual autonomy, privacy, and well-being in an increasingly genomic world.

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