Jesus Revolution Strikes Iran

“Have faith in the Lord to make your paths straight”

Proverbs 3:6

50,000 of 75,000 mosques in Iran have closed. Iranians are abandoning the false religion of Islam by the thousands and many of them are turning to Christ to be saved.

You want to know what soft power looks like America? It looks like Godliness.

Iran’s Underground Jesus Movement Perseveres

In the face of significant persecution and adversity, Iran’s underground Christian movement continues to thrive. Despite the Iranian government's strict policies against religious conversion and its efforts to suppress Christian communities, many Iranians have embraced Christianity, driven by a deep personal faith and the hope for spiritual freedom.

These underground churches often operate discreetly, meeting in private homes or secret locations to avoid detection. The members of these congregations, including converts from Islam, gather to worship, study the Bible, and support one another in their faith. The movement’s persistence is fueled by a combination of courage, commitment, and a strong sense of community.

The Iranian government’s crackdown on religious dissent includes arrests, imprisonment, and harassment of Christians, particularly those who are involved in house churches or who attempt to proselytize. Yet, despite these challenges, the underground church continues to grow, with new believers joining and spreading their faith in creative and resilient ways.

International support and advocacy play a crucial role in raising awareness about the plight of Christians in Iran and encouraging efforts to promote religious freedom. The underground movement’s perseverance highlights the enduring power of faith and the ongoing struggle for religious liberty in one of the world’s most restrictive environments for religious expression.

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